Fuji's Log


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Dec 7, 2011
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HELLOO! im currently playing on my version 4 tamagotchi, its shell is a dark clear purple, with a space pattern on. The buttons are orange and the ball is white :D . Ill post a picture of it in 4 days time, i cant now because im on my ipad and im not at home,

i started it up on Thursday 1st December (2011). Im currently on my second generation, and ill start my log from there :) . I got a little girl and i named her Fuji. From a baby to toddler, she changed into puchitchi, and now into ringotchi. Fuji is very quiet yet very intelligant and adventurous, She looks up to mametchi.

Anyway, we should go now, we still need to visit MR.Turtlepedia, and do some exercise.


Helooohhh again!!

So since my last post, weve received THREE visits from the king while we were going out for a walk :D . Hes given us a hat, 700 gotchi points and a treasure chest! However there was nothing inside the chest :( Oh well,

We been to school a few times and weve done lots of games to loose all the weight Fuji put on!!!

With the 700p from the king, i bought Fuji some building blocks which he loves to play with,

Fuji is now 1day old and is a child, Im so happy how fast shes evolved. By the time my 2 week holiday is finished (in 4days- 18th december) Fuji should be five years old, and hopefully will have had a little baby.

Im not sure what Fuji will elvove into next, she is apart of the mame family, so she can either be Marotchi, maidtchi, or mimitchi. Fuji has said she wishes to be mimitchi.

We'll just have to wait and see :D

We need to go and get ready for dinner, (at the hotel), so ill talk to i later, BYEEEE XX!x

Im back again! (btw, im still on holiday, and on ipad i cant use any colours or fonts, but il

Be back in 3 days yay)

Well this morning, at half 8, we got ready to go down to breakfast, but Fuji hadnt waken up yet!!! I didnt want to wake her so i left her on my bed while i went down. I knew she'd wake up at 9ish, but by the time i got back it was nearly half 9 and she really wanted her breakfast. So i fed her cereal :)

She is brushing her teeth right now :) she is currently 2 years old and is a child already, (ringotchi) she should chnage perhaps tomorrow, or the day after!!

Anyway, we got to go now, im taking Fuji with me this morning when we go out for a walk or what ever were doing :) . We'll keep you updated either this after noon or tomorrow!!!

Byeee!! X

Heeloooo, we havnt gone for a walk yet, but fuji just got a message from the king :) inside he won 600p :D , with that we went to the shop and bought a ball to play with for 500p. Were just about to play with it,

She fel off :( , after many trys shes getting better! We'l just have to keep practising,

After all the exercise on her ball she started to get a little hungry so as a treat i bought her some milk from the shop and she drank it all straight a way!! Then we played a few games to keep her healthy and to get her life points :)

Shes just beeped for attention, but shes perfectly fine!! So i gave her time out to train her not to ask for attention when not needed (thats what it says you should do).

So anyway, now im going to take her outside for some fresh air, were all going down by the pool so she should enjoy that :)bye everyone!!

hellooooo, welllll this morning Fuji turned into an adult (mimitchi) at age 3 and has 6training points. She is on her second generation so im going to get her to call her parents :D thats all really,

Home in 2days, yay!! And by then i think fuji might have a child so, i will start another long for the baby and make it better, eg with pictures and colour :) anyyywaayyy byeeee xx

hellooooo, welllll this morning Fuji turned into an adult (mimitchi) at age 3 and has 6training points. She is on her second generation so im going to get her to call her parents :D thats all really,

Home in 2days, yay!! And by then i think fuji might have a child so, i will start another long for the baby and make it better, eg with pictures and colour :) anyyywaayyy byeeee xx

Helloooo, big stuff happend today,

Fuji got a job as a teacher :) I didnt really wish for her to be a teacher, however i accedently acepted the teacher as it showed that option first so.. Bit oh well :) also the king gave us 900p in post :D

Fuji is now 4 years old, 5 tomorrow, and also tomorrow were going home bck on the plane yay!! :D !!!

2 weeks in lanzarote is enough;) cant wait to get back!

Oh and, by the time i get back fuji will probably be asleep so the next day she'll be 6 and thats the day roughly when she'll hopefully get marrid and have a child. :D Then thats when ill restart a better log for the new baby, with pictures and coloired writing of course :D ,

Also just recently when i went to check up on fuji, i forgot it was dinner time for her (at 5:30) and she wasnt feeling very well and she was very hungry!!! I fed her dinner, bread and burger (and an icecream for forgiveness) and shes feeling better now :)

Byeeee for nowww ,xx

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