From Midnight To Dawn...


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Dec 3, 2006
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[SIZE=27pt] October 8th, 2007: Day 1 with Idina unpaused[/SIZE]


I have 6 Tamagotchi's of all only one works right now~ That is my V4 orange bubbles one. ^.^

My baby, Idina, is one year old. She has been on pause since, maybe May? But I have her up and running an dI plan on getting through a few more generations before Fall break ends and I have to go back to school, luckily I am only three days into fall break eh?

Well I guess I will talk about her for a bit eh?

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||

Skill Points~

Intellectual: 5

Art: 0

Social: 7

1 Year old

67 lbs.

Gender: She-tama

Gen: 3

Points: 1900

Type of Tamagotchi: Ojyotchi

Grandfather: Haru (Pyontitchi)

Mother: Purin (Maidchi)

She doesn't have the best history sure.. But she is a very cute girl... Well I am off to play some games and maybe later go on Tamatown to get some points and all ^.^

May Starclan light your path!

Crowfrost & Idina

[SIZE=21pt] Update: Day 2 Part 1[/SIZE]

Well day two ^.^

Last night our baseball team was playing and we watched that right after I posted last night, although we both fell asleep before the game ended Idina went to bed with one hungry heart down, I felt bad that I couldn't see her screen because the lights were out.

Ah! Just as I type she called me although she called me for no reason I do feel bad for having to give her a time out :huh:

Ah! Time for her stats.

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||| (Yay!)

Intellectual: 5

Arts: 0

Social: 7

1 year old.

74 lbs (Eek!)

Gender: She-tama

Gen: 3

Points: 1900

I just fed her an orange because her happy heart went down by one, I have tons of work to do with her to get her down to normal weight, I told her no more food until she gets back to normal, she hasen't gotten sick yet but I plan not to have her anytime soon.

Well, I am off to Tama-town then to play a few games all in good fun eh?

Crowfrost & Idina

[SIZE=21pt] Day two: Part 2[/SIZE]

Hallo! I just got back from TamaTown! I over all got around 1100 GP, dumbells and a treadmill.

Well Idina is now weighing 68 lbs, Getting there!

She had some sushi for lunch only because her hearts dropped and I wanted them to stay up above two, she also ate some bread as a snack, but after that I worked it off by playing 'Jumping rope' I also plat Dance and mimic.

Her stats are:

All hearts full.

Training: |||

Skill pionts:

Intellectual: 11 (Yay!)

Arts: 8

Social: 8

She has gone up up up!

Well off to get her down to thirty pounds, wish me luck, although little Idina here loves jumping rope, mimicing and dancing! She isn't to fond of matching shapes, or playing with the flags.

Update later!

Crowfrost & Idina

[SIZE=21pt] Day Three: Shhhhhh![/SIZE]

Little Idina is still asleep, She should wake up in about four minutes, ^.^

She went to bed with one hungry heart down again because I was messing around with my new program or whatever, This is my future car! Made with Like it? And I forgot Idina downstairs when I went to bed :rolleyes:

Oh! Here she is! She has one poop and one hungry heart down but I will soon bring that up, Here are her stats.

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |||| (YAY!)

Intellectual: 11

Art: 10

Social: 19

2 yrs.

79 lbs.

Yeps! Off to loose some weight!

Crowfrost and Idina

[SIZE=21pt] Day 3: Update![/SIZE]

Well here I am, sitting on teh couch, watching TV with my laptop on my lap (X.X Where else would it be? XD) and I hear the niose that it makes when evolving, luckily she was on my lanyard around my neck today! I look in her shell, she is evolving! So she is now a Pyonkotchi! She is amazingy cute (And two years old! That means the matchmaker will come soon, maybe when she is four or five? What! Its happened before to me!)

Idina is now my baby on her way to adult hood!

Well I have to go >.< Set the table for dinner! Update later! Maybe even make a few pixles of her no?

*Skips off*

Crowfrost and Idina

Please! Feel free to comment or PM me to comment! I am currenlty looking for baby names (Male and Female please) for Idina's baby. So feel free!



Thanks! *Gives virtual cookie* YAY!

[SIZE=21pt]Update: Day 4[/SIZE]

Well Idina and I did some work last night (She is my avvie! *Huggles*) and *Drumroll* 31 lbs! *Owch* But It was all worth it! Now every time she eats I work it off, its all worth it I tell you! Now she won't play unless she weighs 33lbs.

Here are her stats:

Hearts: all full (I am using a laoptop and I don't feel like opening the file with the hearts in it :angry: )

Trainig: |||||

Intellectual: 84

Art: 52

Social: 46

Well, Thats basically it! Oh wait! Idina wants to talk now!

Hai! I'm Idina! You can see my shell over there, No not there There.. yea! *Pokes Mommies avatar* My shell Is pretty isn't it? Well, I lost SO much extra weight last night from jumping rope and mimicing and dancing my legs are sore! I guess I should go rest for a bit and see if mommy will take me to Tamatown! Sounds liek fun right? I am so Spoiled! Mommy even said I can come to VOlleyball practice with her tonight! YAY! Maybe if its ok with her coach I can be line judge (Hehe)


Well best wishes!



Ah, yes I am Taking her to Volleyball practice with me, although I wo;t pause her I hope her hearts don't drop too low, two hours of practice! Oy vay, but I refue to pause her.

Well TTYL!

Crowfrost And Idina


Hai! It's Idina!


Mummy said that next week we are going to get new, wait... Wha was it mummy,?

Batteries hun

Right that! (Thanks mummy) for her other v4 Tamagotchi and maybe her old v3 she also said that a few are 'debugged' whatever that means. I feel bad for them though! She said they have a few glitches! Owch! Well volleyball starts in an hour and a half! I can't wait! But mummy said I have to stay in her bag with Lucky and Rontu her webkinz. Its a bit stuffy in her bag but its ok, she said I will be on pause too because she wants me to be happy, that doesn't make me happy :rolleyes: Oh well. I wonder if mommy will make a pixel of me now!

Hun, you know I will, but It isn't that easy, oy vay maybe I should start GIMP while you are talking?

YEA! Well while that loads lets talk! Mummy says that she has fun with me when I was a little baby and Purin, my mummy in Tamatown (Hi Mum!) bounced along the screen with me! She says that she remembers when she first got my shell and Haru bounced around, getting sick every five minutes! I have NEVER gotten sick! She says I was always the nice little girl... She doesn't know that I was teh one who ate her pudding yesterday though! So Shhhhhh! Well I better get going because GIMP just loaded and Mummy is calling me telling me she needs me to pose for the picture! Maybe I will bounce around teh screen in her pixel?

Idina! Hurry I can't wait forever!

Well I have to go, COMING!, before I get in trouble! Talk to you later!



[SIZE=15pt] Day 4: After Practice[/SIZE]

Hai! Its me, Idina!


Well we just got back from volleyball practice! Mummy unpaused me when we were there. Lucky for me she took Lucky and Rontu, her webkinz, out of the bag! It was quite roomy in there! Although mummy was not having a good day, she made it over the net, once. Oh wellz! I still love her! Then when we got home she fixed me up, I had one hungry heart down! After she fed me we played jump rope a bit so I wouldn't gain weight! After that she was hungry! So she had some leftover bredsticks, sh eput them in the microwave for twenty-five seconds. After she ate that she was still hungry, my gosh mummy! She made some cookies, but she microwaved them for too long and they burnt, she ate a few but threw them out. She made another batch though! She even gave ME one! Although I like milk and cookies this one was GOOD! Then she opened the pizza box and saw this little plastic white thing, it makes a good case for me! Now here we are! Oh wait! I forgot to tell you about me- Waittt... if I tell you it wont be a surprise! Oh well!


While mummy was practicing I got a mail from my teacher, he said it was time for me to go to work! So when mummy got the mail we went to see him! I cried but then he said it was ok and we went to find someplace to work! I ended up choosing the amusment park and I got accepted! Mummy says that the matchmaker may come tomorrow! Who knows? She says I should think of names for my baby, I like the name Shoie (SHoe-EE) for a girl and Ukai for a boy!


Well byez!



[SIZE=15pt]Day five: Trip out of the house....[/SIZE]

Well hallo! We (Me and Idina) just gotr back from the vest office with our puppies, I should let Idina tell you shouldn't I?

Hai! Its me, Idina!


...... Well today we went to the vets office to get our doggies, Blaze and Max, Checked on. I got mail and didn;t lose any hearts! Mummy said I was a good girl! Now tonight we are going over Cousin Natalie's house! Crowfrost won't update then, but feel free to post comments and PM us! My matchmaker hasn't come yet, Mum said she will come tomorrow or later tonight when I turn five! YAY! Well Mum promised me some fun in Tamatown today, I will be able to have some fun at my job later too!


Well Bye!



Well then, so cute no?

Crowfrost and Idina

[SIZE=15pt]Day seven: O-M-G-!-!-!-!-![/SIZE]

Hai! Well As you know I was at my cousins house. While I was there the matchamker came, Idina now has a baby boy who she says to name Ukai when she leaves either tonight or tomorrow :D I will miss my baby.

Also, today I went out to Target to get Tamagotchi batteries which would be near the Tamagotchi Isle right? Welll first it took long enough to find the isle. But when we did i convinced my dad to let me look because I haven't seen any v4.5's around her yet.There is one left! (Yellow Polka dot...s?) They also had the 'Tamagotchi Bling' kit, My dad teased me saying "Nuuu you can't get it :D " for a while but we got them both plus a lanyard! So I got home and immediatly started to 'bling' my Tamagotchi whom I named Rocco. So he is now 'blinged' I will upload I picture in a bit! I guess I'll let him talk!

Key: V4.5 V4

Hai! I'm Rocco a 0 year old tamatchi! My Mummy, Crow-eh. Says I am so cute and maybe that if I have a baby girl and Idina's boy has a little boy, or visa versa, that they can fall in luvz. I can't wait until I see the matchmaker! Mummy says I will be SO handsome that she wil HAVE to bring me a Mimitchi or a Memetchi! I hope I am a Mametchi or a Kutchipatchi! Or even a Ura Mametchi! They are sooooo funny! Well I have to go now, Mummy is coming! She has to take a shower and she wants ME in the bathroom, she says Idina will update later!

[SIZE=15pt]Day 8: *Sniff*[/SIZE]

Well last night Idina left her baby, but she also left me a note that said:

Mummy, I love you very much and this is why I have to leave, so my baby can love you very much.

I have changed my mind and I want you to name my baby Mouse, he squeaks like one all the time.

I love you


So I did. The baby boy named Mouse is now a Puchitchi. I was hoping for somthing better but I guess Mouse will live. He is so cute! Well I will let them talk now ;)




Croweh (Me!)

Both boys :D

All (Mouse, Rocco, Me)

Hai! Its me! Rocco! Right now I am a lousy old Tamatchi! but my Friend-


Is a Puchitchi... They are soooo cool!

No way! They are EW! A girl Tama could be one! I am a GUY!

;) Riiiiiigggggghhhhhhttttt... ANyways. Mummy got me yesterday and set my name, her birthday, and whatever else while drinking a frappuchino, YUM.


And yeaz. But I am a bit overweight! I love Mummy because she is trying to help me between feeding Mouse when he was a baby and playing with HIM to work it off, But I know its just because she doesn't understand the games that well, so I let her work on Mouse for a bit then call her over my way!

Oh yea, RIGHT when were about to WIN!

Hey hey hey! Boys! I KNOW its hard, but you guys are BEST friends and I am STILL going to connect you, like it or not so HA ;)

Yes mummy.

Good. Now go on.

Okies. Now my mummy Idina was SOOOOOO nice to me! She ALWAYS played with me and fed me and EVERYTHING! Now Rocco Hatched from an egg so his Mummy is Croweh all the way!


We luvz our bred we luvz our but most of all we luvz our Mudder!

Aw! I love you too!

Well not much else to say! :blink:


Rocco,Mouse, and Crowfrost

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I am really bored and I needed to post XD So umz, I will connect them!

Mouse went over to Rocco's screen and they are jumping.

Now Rocco went to Mouse's house and Gave him some ice cream ;)

They both have two smiles as their frendship level ;)

Well Mouse and Rocco both just got the robber, Rocco got minus 300 and Mouse got minues 500 GP Owch.

Wellz. Byez.



Hai. Well Yesterday Rocco evolved but I was to lazy to post and I knew Mouse would evolve today, and he did! Right now Rocco is a Crackertchi and Mouse is a Young Androtchi! Here they are!





Both boys


Hi! Its me, Rocco! and I am a Crackertchi! I luuuurrrrrrvvvvvveeeeee to party!

Hai! And I am Mouse, a young Adrotchi! They are AWSOME! And I am in the Mame family! That means I could involve into a Mametchi! Isn't that AWSOME? Then the matchmaker will bring me a pretty girl like Mimitchi or Memetchi or Violetchi! And they are all SO cute ;)

I want to be a Ura Mametchi or a Mametchi or a Kutchipatchi! They are cool! But Mummy, Croweh, says that I could evolve into ANYTHING! Because no one has a chart. :( [/color|

Whatever you evolve into you will both be cute and special! Now focus on being a Teen and not a Adult ;)

*SMile* :)


Now this s how they want to be:



:mimitchi: + :wub: = :lol: :)




:furawatchi: + :wacko: = :wacko: :p


Well BYE!


Mouse,Rocco and Crowfrost

[SIZE=15pt]Day 10: :) [/SIZE]

Hi! Well yesterday my friend, Annie came over. She loves Tamagotchi's but doesn't have one so I let her use Mouse. both Tamagotchi's were over weight by thirthy pounds. But By the time she left they were fine! She is great with them too. I am getting her one for her birthday or for christmas. Haha!

Well here are the boys!

Hi its me, Rocco. I am happy today, But mummy wasn't happy yesterday. I won't say why though, to find out you have to PM her.


Aw they are sad too! *Huggles* I am getting a bright Avatar now, to make them happy! ;)

[SIZE=15pt] Day four hundered and thirty-six...[/SIZE]

Haha, everyone tis on pause, unpausing them now...

I gotz a new 4.5 and yea, I am going to restart it if I can find it, X.X And Glinty will name it for meeeee...

So yea... X.X



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