Hmm, I didn't learn about this site the first time I got my Tama.
I only have one Tamagotchi, currently with a Young Mametchi. (female) named MEF!, born October 22nd/23rd. I sort of wanted a character that would grow into a kawaii little Dorotchi, seeing the season is Halloween and all that.
If you don't see me update for a few days, then you should probably email me at [email protected] if you feel up up to it.
Well, that's it. Keep reading!
I only have one Tamagotchi, currently with a Young Mametchi. (female) named MEF!, born October 22nd/23rd. I sort of wanted a character that would grow into a kawaii little Dorotchi, seeing the season is Halloween and all that.
If you don't see me update for a few days, then you should probably email me at [email protected] if you feel up up to it.
Well, that's it. Keep reading!