Friendship Troubles


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Paisley 520

Well-known member
Jun 5, 2006
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I recently just got in a fight with my friend. Let's call her K. She get on my nerves alot. Everytime we get in a fight, we ALWAYS make up, and I'm getting sick of it. Anywayz, it began on Club Penguin. She wrote something that said, "Why does the world have to turn around you!!" And I was all confused, so I just said "whatever?" Then she keeps saying this girl named Gabby is a better friend than me, and so I logged off Club Penguin. Then, on my Blogagotchi thingy, she made a comment to this entry I made a week ago. She wrote, "Gabby is a better friend than you! She should have have gone with me to Sally's house instead of you! You always go there with me!"

So I wrote back saying, "Whatever, just leave me alone plz."

And the last comment she wrote was, "I'm never being your friend again." And then she made a list of all her friends. It was kind of harsh.

Should I say sorry, or ignore her for a long time? Help!


Paisley 520

wow, "friend" i think not!

this friend is a two face.

i am all for forgiveing, and if you keep having this problem, you might wanna remove yourself from the situation.

just talk to her nicly (not rudely) about how you feel about all this she does.

if she is really a friend you should keep, she will change her ways.

if not, well its hard, but that will just have to be her problem.

good luck!

Yeah, we have got into fights so many times! hmmm, I guess I should call her and talk it out nicely. Thanks for the advice!

Piasley 520

P.S. I don't think me and K's friend ship will work out.

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a really friend wouldent have don that to u!

i had some friend troble to!

it sucked!((exus the lagweg))

were not really 'Friends' anymore

but,just talk to her! ^_^

Don't bother being this person's friend. She is known as a toxic person. She makes you feel awful and throws stuff in your face like "I like so and so better" and plays favourites. I had one too many of those so I should know. Dump her friendship and find someone who is worthy of you. Don't settle for someone such as that.

Why in the world would you have to say sorry? All you every did was ask her to leave you be and say "whatever".

This sounds just like my friend Dayna - we fought all the time. If you become friends again, this fighting will just happen again.

Soon I just left Dayna, didn't accept her apologies and told her to let me be. I was sick of the attitude and disrespect she was giving me.

If you have other friends, turn to them. This friend just seems like one of those friends who's your friend one minute, and a stranger the next. I say just find a new friend. :D

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