one summer break a boy named john got a tamagotchi.he loved it so much.he told his tamagotchi that they would be friends for was the last day of summer break and john could not wait to show every one in his class.last year half of his class had a tamagotchi and now he had one to.the next day he got up early and got dressed then went to school.before school he meet up with his friend james.right away john pulled out his tamagotchi.james smacked it out of his hand and said they are old.john tried not to cry.
later that day at lunch john was in line with james. john pulled out his tamagotchi to check on it.james once again smacked it out of his hand and said"lose the stupid tamagotchis or you cant be my friend!"john thout about what he said.after school john threw it in the guter
then a young girl from johns school walked buy and picked it up.
she learned what it was and toke care of it.the next day the girl showed all her friends and john saw she had his tamagotchi and rolled his eyes
.the next day the girl and her friends all had tamagotchis.john could not take it he went up to the girl and told her what happened.but the girl did not give him his tamagotchi.that night john got a new tamagotchi but did not open it
. the next dayjohn traded with the girl and notice it was the tamagotchi he had before but with a baby.then the day after that lots of people got tamagotchis and every one from his old class had them exepte the stubern ol james.
this tells that even thogh james did not like them does not mean you cant like them
later that day at lunch john was in line with james. john pulled out his tamagotchi to check on it.james once again smacked it out of his hand and said"lose the stupid tamagotchis or you cant be my friend!"john thout about what he said.after school john threw it in the guter
she learned what it was and toke care of it.the next day the girl showed all her friends and john saw she had his tamagotchi and rolled his eyes

this tells that even thogh james did not like them does not mean you cant like them