few years ago there was a boy who got a tamagotchi he was so excited he played with it
all day.he told his tama they would be friends for ever.it was summer break and tommorow school started again.last year half of his class had a tamagotchi. when he got back he was happy to see every one he showed his freind his tama. he smacked it out of his hand and said those are old. the boy started to cry all his freinds had tamagotchis. when he went home he looked at his tama and said sorry.the next day he was in the lunch line and he pulled out his tamagotchi his freind told him to forget it and smacked it out of his hand.his freind told him to get rid of it or he wont be his freind.after school he he thought about what his friend said and threw his tama on the ground.
and went home.later that day a girl from his school picked it up and learned what it was and toke care of it.the next day at school he saw the girl with his tamagotchi and saw her telling her friends about it and rolled his eyes
h34r: .after that day he went to school and saw that the girls friends got some too.he frowned
then he said to him self "I dont care if he is not my friend i wont my tamagotchi
!!!!!!he went to his friend"and said i dont care what you think I like tamagotchis! his friend said "what ever " and walked away.the boy went to the girl and said that it was his tamagotchi.the girl said"no it is not"as she put it in her pocket the boy walked away crying
.after school he went to the store and got a new one
he did not open it.
.the next day he went to the girl and open the back pack and pulled out the tamagotchi he got yester day and traded with her.the boy looked at his tama and noticed he still had the tamagotchi he had before but with a baby.
all day.he told his tama they would be friends for ever.it was summer break and tommorow school started again.last year half of his class had a tamagotchi. when he got back he was happy to see every one he showed his freind his tama. he smacked it out of his hand and said those are old. the boy started to cry all his freinds had tamagotchis. when he went home he looked at his tama and said sorry.the next day he was in the lunch line and he pulled out his tamagotchi his freind told him to forget it and smacked it out of his hand.his freind told him to get rid of it or he wont be his freind.after school he he thought about what his friend said and threw his tama on the ground.

he did not open it.

sorry about all the next day stuff.the next day he saw that ten other people had a tamagotchi he went over and became friends with all of them!!!!!!THE END
sorry if i messed up on words and capatalizing them.