Flurtin Help <3 </3


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Active member
Jun 18, 2006
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I Need help with figuring out how to flurt!!

join the innuendo club. it's a really great club. you'll like it.

If you're not old enough to be able to spell 'Flirt' correctly then you're not old enough to even need to know how to flirt.
Just make guy friends.

Flert? Flurt?


Just talk to guys/girls. Ask for some spelling lessons, maybe?

..like everyone else said.

If you're not old enough to be able to spell 'Flirt' correctly then you're not old enough to even need to know how to flirt.
Just make guy friends.
Well, I dunno. I could spell 'flirt' when I was 10.

Well, the only flirting I know about is when the girls on TV go up to some boy, lean forward, pretend to giggle at everything they say, talk in a really high girlie voice and ask "Heyyyy wanna go out???"

If that's flirting, it doesn't work. It just makes people embarrassed to be around you.

Learn how to spell first, please.

I don't think a girl would be thrilled if you emailed her and wrote stuff wrong.


Learn how to spell.

Just make some guy friends, and if you have a crush on a guy then just continue to be nice (only showing him your best side) and, if you two have chemistry, it will happen. Trust me, I would know.

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