Flame's NEW Tamalog! ♥


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
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Wow, its sure been a while since I posted in a log. 7 months I think!! :( well i've been off tamas for a while... so yeah..

I don't know how long I'll be interested in them this time, so don't be surprised if this log is not very long. :p


Anyway! Right now I only have 1 out of my.... *goes to count* 10 tamagotchis running. WOW. I didn't realize until this minute that I had ten! Well, until this afternoon I had nine. But at Value Village today I saw a used tama for $3!!!! So I bought it. Sadly, I already have the same pattern tama. It is the V3 grey with graffiti. So I think I will get a battery (sometime..) and see if works then sell it. Some people just give their old tama to value village, but you can sell it for at least $10. Silly. lol.

Here are the stats of the tama I'm using:

Blue with Bubbles V3

Name- Cysro (short for Cysero)

Age- 1

Gender- Boy

Hungry- <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy- <3 <3 <3 (better play a game...)

Weight- 22 lbs

Generation- 7

Training- 4/9

Money- 2,289 GP

Type- Nikatchi (teen)

right now Cysro is just hanging out..... I wish he'd age!! oh well. I want to have 2 tamagotchis running because then more stuff usually happens, but all my others are out of batteries. I might get a battery tomorrow if I can!

Flame :p

[SIZE=12pt]Note: If you have a comment/question or something, please [/SIZE]PM me, not post in the actual log. Thank you! :p

Also, today in Cysro's shop there has always been a bow tie for some reason... Every time it refreshed I see a bow tie!!

oh! turns out the value village V3 works! I put my sisters Tamagotchi battery in it, to test it :p and I downloaded it to see what the former owner had. It was a baby boy, first gen, named Bill. But then I took out the battery...

Well. Cysro woke up before me, of course, found him with 2 poops and almost all hearts gone ^_^ Oh well. Nikatchi isn't the healthiest of teens in the first place... and he still hasn't aged!!! Sigh. I wish I had 2 tamas running, one is fine but.... yeah. more stuff happens.

[SIZE=12pt] Yay! Only the second day and I got feedback on my log, from PonytchiLuv! [/SIZE] :wacko: thank you again for the comment!

[SIZE=12pt]Anyway! News time:[/SIZE]


Cysro finally aged! yay! He is now 2. I started connecting him with my sister's V2, a child (I forgot the name) called Koko. I want them to marry...


also has anyone else noticed the " ;) " smiley doesn't move? the eyes only stay really small for me. weird.

[SIZE=10pt]Hm... Cysro has 7/9 training now! [/SIZE] :p and is kinda fatter. he is 31 lbs. Because I'm lazy and am watching Will and Grace hehe. I'll play with him after...

Weird... I just saw him "yawning" or whatever it is, standing at the bottom of the screen opening and closing his mouth lol. What were you doing, Cy?


Cysro: I was burping because YOU gave me 1000000000000 pounds of snacks! How am I gonna win over the ladies if I'm fat!?


Me: you can win over the ladies who don't care about weight, too bad their isn't that many of them! Because I like Will and Grace and I will watch it if its the last thing I do!!!!!


Cysro: wahhh :D


Me: sorry... :p wahhhh!!!!


Cysro: WAHHHHHH!!!!!!! IM SORRY TOO MOMMY!!!!! :( :( :(


-Flame the crying and being dramatic with my tamagotchi :lol:


PS, the " :eek: " smiley is now working. but the " :D " smiley is frozen now ... lol

PPS, goodnight from Cy, he just went to sleep!

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Hi hi, I should be in bed... hehe :p I have no idea why I just had the urge to post... it has nothing to do with my Tamas lol, anyway goodnight! and I might not be able to post in the morning tomorrow because I have to go to my friends house.

-Flame the bad kitty (where did that come from?!)

Seems I do have time for posting, yay! Lets see, Cysro only needs one more training point then he's done! and I managed to get him on the toilet :furawatchi: lol.

I also bought him a fishing pole... Every time I used it (which has been 4 times I think) Cysro got a fish. Which is good but I want money... Also! None of the smileys are stuck anymore yay! :furawatchi:

And, here are his stats!:

V3: Cysro the Nikatchi

Age- 2

Gender- Boy

Hungry- <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy- <3 <3 <3 <3

Weight- 22 lbs

Generation- 7

Training- 8/9

Money- 2,739 GP

Stage- Teen

I made him loose weight too. And because I am bored, I shall list all Cy's snacks/meals that he bought.











Apple Pie

Corn Dog





and, that's all the time we have for today folks!! cya laterz!

-Flame the why is my bedroom so cold when the heater is on?

I'm at my friends house.......... Cysro has not aged. sigh. lol my friend just said "MURDERRRR" :) cya later

-Flame the hearing MURDERRR

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Wooo!! yes!! Cysro EVOLVED!! :D He is now a............... Furawatchi!!!! ;) So cute! I don't think I've even had one before so double yay![/size]


Cysro: Wow... I'm girly.


Me: So!?


Cysro: ............


Me: :(

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Oh yeah! I forgot to say that Cysro was fishing and he got 2,500 GP!!!! ;) so he now has 5,894!

[SIZE=10pt]omg, my sister let me put her Tama's battery in one of mine so I chose my... [/SIZE]V5. I want to have another go at it! Last time I wasn't really into tamas so yeah. Anyway I put the battery in, but it didn't let me chose download or reset! it just reset! it doesn't really matter, since I was gonna reset anyway but that's weird... :( is it supposed to do that?


anyway, putting in the time/date...



and now we wait. as the three eggs wiggle around...... they remind me of ostrich's for some reason... ack! their hatching!

The middle one is white, yet a boy. The one on the right is a girl, and the one on the left a boy too. The Aqua Family. brb while I take care of them.

hm... it's weird how you can exit out of any game by pressing the C button.... anyhow I got up to 17 I think on tea time.

lol, I've noticed that baby V5s look so funny when playing a game. I was playing TV surfing and whenever I got it right, the baby would look shocked with his mouth WIDE open lol. ;) Hm... what should the names be?....

[SIZE=10pt]Maybe.... Ok! I know![/SIZE]

Girl (left)- Sugar

Boy (middle)- Salt

Boy (right)- Pepper


aw how cute. :( lol.


o_O..... I think Salt has 2 sets of eyes. weird. oh well, anything can happen on a Tama.

[SIZE=10pt]Salt, Sugar, Pepper: FIX US!!!! [/SIZE] :D

Oh, they're sick! *fixes* there.


*starts playing TV surfing again*... wow, it gets intense after a while, haha. it's super fast, I only got up to 5 or something...

I wonder if they'll be babies for an hour like other tamas. I don't remember.


Pepper: *has a poo on his head* :(

*cleans* hehe...


wow, this is gonna be a looong post :(

[SIZE=10pt]come on babies.... evolve.....[/SIZE]


*a while later* ok they're sleeping. I'm gonna post this now and when they evolve I'll post again!


-Waiting Flame


PS, Cysro just fell asleep. Goodnight!

Yay! They evolved finally! here is the outcome:

Sugar- Tororochi

Salt- Ahirukutchi

Pepper- Mousetchi

right after they changed, they fell asleep... Luckily with all hearts filled! Well, nothing else.... 'night! ;)

.... the " :D " smiley is frozen AGAIN.....

- Flame, wondering why the smileys freeze so much...

Wow! Today was awesome! I got 2 kittens! :) :unsure: theyre sooooooooo so so cute!! theres a grey/striped one called Peep (a girl), and her brother that's orange and has no name. they're like 10 weeks and sooo small still. anyway that has nothing to do with tamas. but sadly, Sugar Salt and Pepper were paused, and I did the sleep trick with Cysro, and now they're asleep for real. Sorries, more tomorrow! and maybe a pic of my kitties!!! :wacko:

-Flame the happy

Well, my kittens wouldn't let me sleep last night so I had to sleep on the couch :p and when I went to get my tamas, V5 had almost all hearts gone sadly. But they're fine now!

Also, Cysro is now 4! I wish he could have a baby now, no offense to him or anything, but... yeah. And the Aqua family got stepped on by one of the kittens lol.

Salt: IT HURT!!!!!!! :( :( :(

Sugar: Calm down :eek:

Pepper: It didn't hurt that much....

Salt: IT DID!!! :huh: :( :angry: :( :angry: :( IT REALLLLLLLY DIDDDD!!!!!

Pepper & Sugar: :eek:

um. wow. spazzing much?..... lol. :lol: also, the Aqua family wanted training or whatever, and I picked the icon that looked like paper. And it had a paper airplane flying above the tamas, and then they jumped up with music notes around them.... Weird. I don't really know what that's all about...

-Flame getting attacked by kitties B)

Well! Right now Cysro is coming up close to the screen!! eee so cute!and ... Salt is talking to a refrigerator. lol! Also the Aqua family now have 10 % bonding!! yay! .. Nothing else yet


The tamas are sleeping, nothing really special happened except one thing: The Aqua Family was looking at this weird animation. It was like, a flag floating in the air, and it was a starry flag, and then there was little fireworks. what's that about? hm...


Today at 7:00 in the morning (I NEVER wake up at that time lol) the Aqua siblings woke me up by... EVOLVING! finally! heres the out come:

Salt- Bakutchi

Sugar- Ichigotchi

Pepper- Korokotchi

woo!!! Ichigotchi is my favourite teen so thank you Sugar for turning into one!

Sugar: My pleasure :huh:

Pepper: I look like I have a weird hat on!!!


Pepper: :D

Sugar: Please be nice Salt

Salt: sorryyy.

I reaaaaaally wish that Cysro would turn 6 soon... Argh oh well


Guess what!!!! :D something I've been wanting to happen, happened!!















(that was fun)

Cysro had a BABY! ^_^ a boy... I wanted a girl but... still!

I also forced the MM to come heh. I was impatient.

Cysro: Well.... That was...... f-fast..... *still shocked at having a baby*

the baby: frrrrrrggggg

Cysro: o.o

Sugar: EEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

Salt: its just a baby, sis!

Sugar: but but but EEEEEKKK!!!!!

Pepper: Please keep it down!!

Baby: woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Cysro: :eek: :eek:


oh my...


I think he's hyper...

Cysro: Gee, ya think?? :eek:

yeah.... um...

Baby: wo owoooooo wooooo woooooo hehehehee!!!! :D







Salt is talking to the fridge... ? Wonder what he's saying. Maybe they're talking about.... girls? XD

I doubt it! fridges don't have girlfriends!

The Fridge: Who says?! :lol:


um..... :lol:
