fionas tama log :D


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Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
hi every one! sorry i cant start my log with a baby tama cos my tama Jess is already an adult, but o well lol.

She's a mimetchi, a perfect care adult :D i'll go ask jess if she wants to say any thing


Hello everyone be sure to buy my band tama9's cds and go to our concerts! :D


;) :p B) is that all? :) please dont advertice your band on my log jess :(


ok then :) i am a mimetchi as you already know, and my name is Jess, there done.


im sorry everyone, Jess is a little strest right now, her band need more fans and shes been practicing like crazy. But her band ARE realy good, she just needs her big chance. I'll write again later today probaly.

since its half 12 now (well at least in england it is) i think its time for jess to have lunch.


fiona: jess its lunch time! :)

jess: but im not hungry!

fiona: have a snack then, your happy hearts are only on two.

jess: ok then wat ya got?

fiona: babys milk and chocolate

jess: BABYS MILK! lol Im an ADULT im not having babys milk and chocolate will make me fat.

fiona: urg ill go to shop then

fiona: im back! is candy ok?

jess: i guess

jess: btw i think i should get marryed soon

fiona: who ya got in mind?

jess: oh idk, nevermind anyway

jess got mail from king!, it was a hotdog lol. the king is very strange, he has so far gave her 1 hotdog, 2 tooth brushes and some money. i mean who sends hotdogs and toothbrushes lol, not that i dont like getting them it just a bit wierd. not the wierdest thing ever sent in mail, shes been sent poo in mail before, how yucky! btw this morning she got a heart in the mail! (not real heart) who could it have been? :) :D :eek:

i went out this afternoon so i didnt write in the log. btw iv been told how to use colour now yay!

test ~ testing testing yay it works!! ill write in red, jess in orange from after tis post

yay jess won a consert ealyer and shes ranking 6th now!


your hard work realy paid off didnt it jess?

it sure did! iv got over 110,130,000 tama fans!!! im a celebrety!


its been jess's dream to be a music star ever since she was little


enyway bye for now! :( :)
