Easy way to get money


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New member
Jan 10, 2008
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Any easy way to get money is to go jump rope and when ever the roper is at that spot after its like a line _________ hit the middle button when it is like -______- :(

:( Yes, thank you but personally, I think that the best way to get money to get skill points is to use D-Best's cheat. Why? Because it's simple and short. JUmping ROpe takes quite awhile to finish and can get annoying at times. Well, thank you for the tip anyway!
i am making a guide for a game on tama town right now... i'll post it on here or a new topic....

Guide to Tamatown Hall gmae-Mett tamagotchi town!-

For Debatchi

a-I will tell funny jokes to get attention from others

b-I have long, think feathers on top of my head.

c-I have big buck teeth

for Tarakotchi

a-I am constantly talking and can never seem to be still

b-I am mischevious and impatient

c-I love to roll and tumble

for Gozarutchi

a-I am very strong and swift

b-My specialty is throwing darts

c-I hope to be a ninja

for memetichi

a-I am very sensitive

b-I love to dream big

c-i have big dazzling eyes.

for androtchi

a-You may not know it, but I have human feelings.

b-I walk on wheels

c-I look like a robot

for mimitchi

a-i am intelligent

b-I am the friendliest of all the tamagotchis

c-everyone loves my large bunny ears

for violetchi

a-You can find me wadering in the fields

b-I am the older sister of the flowertchi twins

c-flowers are my favorite things

for masktchi

a-I'm strong-willed, but very shy

b-you may not know it, but i am always spying on someone.

c-I wear a mask to hide my true feelings from others

for ringotchi

a-to me, everything is either black or white with no gray areas

b-I am completly hoest and will mever tll a lie

c-i look like a little apple

for ichigotchi

a-I love to sing and dance

b-I have seeds on my head

c-I come from berry town.

for mamtechi

a-I kow things you don't, because I am one of the smartest tamas

b-I'm not weird, just smart

c-I am the mescot of the tamagotchis,you could say.

Everytime you guess three time ina row(right) thats 100gps... and i once played for 10 minutes, ad got 6000 gps ;)


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