D's Tamagotchi+Color Log


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Aug 8, 2010
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Formerly Washington Now Vicenza,Italy
I started this late.....but oh well

Kuchipatchi,, my lil green blob is fast asleep, its his second day as an adult.

I almost don't want him to get married, but I don't want him to grow old and die either. It's a nice night no storms just a starry sky.

For Aug. 8th

Kuchipatch's daughter grew fast

at first she was this cute little pink mushroom and then she became a pink toddler blob.

Aug 9th

I woke up today and now she's Chamametchi!!! She can use her character item (book) she opens it and then she gets dressed as snowhite (ithink) and then the tama king's little servants/slaves/helpers comes and throws her in the air! They might represent the 7dwarves (idk for sure) but then they drop her :p

My 7 year old brother is taking care of her right now :D

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For Aug 10th

Chamametchi was still a teen, at night I was hearing noises, so used her as a flashlighht and began searching,turns out it was just my cat. Chama fell when my kitty ran at me. She's okay but not her screen, more scratches :/

Aug 11th

I woke up and now she's Makiko,, that one purple tama with curls on the sides I think she's related to memetchi, but she should be able to get married tomorrow. This gen grew up so fast than the last one.

Oops i forgot to feed Makiko before she went to bed. She only has 1 food circle. The marriage option isn't open yet, so it will probably be open tomorrow.

I wonder who she will marry. I'm going to try to get Mametchi or the other one that looks kind of like him, just purple with a earring . Because when she put on her white face mask she was thinking of them.

For Aug 13th

I forgot to marry Makiko.

Aug 14th

I decided that night at like 1:35 am I changed the time to 8:35am

so that I could have Makiko married.

I was trying to get her married to Mametchi or Kuromametchi, but the first one that popped up was Gozarutchi and of course I can't say no to him since he's my fav tama. It was done and now i have another baby girl, but now she's a toddler with a leaf on her head. Farewell Makiko.

For Aug 15

I neglected my tama but she transformed that day into ichigotchi, the strawberry tama, and she was really mad.

Aug 16th

My dad's birthday and its also the day where we find out who the winners are for the tamago contests. (my dad is officially over the hill aka 40)

Anywayz my tama is still ichigotchi. Her happy bar isn't fulll yet, but I can't do much today, because there's a storm so it won't let me go outside to do anything.

Aug 18th

Marotchi was supposed to get married, but a storm came along

Aug 19th

More storms still and i neglected my tama unfortunatley.

Aug 20th

Marotchi got married to Mametchi!!!!!!

She had a baby girl. She passed away soon after :wub: R.I.P. Marotchi whereever you are

Tell Mametchi i said hi!

The baby is doing fine

For Aug 21st

Neglected, i can't bring her to the parks and stuff, but at least she's nice and safe in a safe (the box kind)

Aug 22nd

She turned into ichigotchi (strawberry teen tama)

I'm suprised she's growing because i only take care of her in the morning and then at night i have to rewind the clock to wake her up and take care of her.

I don't like to pause much, unless i'm trying to get like mametchi or memetchi

Forgot to put in aug 23rd's blog on aug 23rd XD

Aug 23rd

Ichigotchi became makiko

Aug 24th

It's driving me crazy that my tama has a lot of storms so it's hard to get the happy scenes like the rainbow cloud and 4 leaf clover. It'll pass because usually i have nice weather.

I now have to go wake her up and feed her.

Idon't know when, but I haven't been ableto get on much because I didn't have internet access, but she turned into ichigotchi, but then the batteries died. So I'm going to quit this log, becausse when I got back from the trip I got my tamago from the mail. I won it from shawty's contest. So I'm taking a break from this log and starting one for my tamago, i may continue it again later. So facts:

Tama + Color

On Gen 5

Teen: Ichigotchi


Thanks for reading

If you want to post any comments you can do so now, while I'm on break from tamagotchi + color


*Picks up the my old log and blows the dust off.* *Sparkles fly around as the dust falls*

Mon. Jan 25, 2011 & Tues. Jan 26, 2011Owner:

Well I'm finally starting up my color again and it's still a strawberry i basically fed her washed her and I also made some snowmen.

Ichigotchi: Its Ichi!!! Im soooooooo angr @ ma my mam cuz shes terrible @ bein a parent

Its a beennn sooo longg sinse she tok car of me

Weds. Jan. 26, 2011

Toni: Well I guess I didn't do the best care, because now my tama has turned into Marotchi.

We did many things. I fed her and played golf with her......unfortunately she's

not very good at it, but since I'm the parent, then I have to keep encouraging her.

Marotchi: I actually for once had a marvelous day. My step mother let me go places for once. I got kicked out of the Drunken Ghost Pub (only for employees or something. I actually did cry, but I couldn't help it. Then we went again to the amusement park. This time I rode on the Tall Black Blob Dude. He swung me around and a around. It was okay, but I got super dizzy. I can't wait to get married and then ditch this place. She's trying so hard, but failing. At least I got overeat today and she let me use the weightloss thing. I looked good in the mirror. As a geisha I always have to look my best, although I guess I won't be one once I get married. I still can't believe that my step-mother will take care of my child. Life is so not fair.

Jan 28th, 2011


Well I'm sad and glad. Unfortunately Marotchi passed away.I brought her to the match maker and first kuchipatchi was there, and I said no, then Gozarutchi came and of course I chose him. They kissed and the fireworks went off. Then she had a baby boy. It was awesome. Of course whereever Marotchi may be I will wish her farewell. I wonder if she was abducted or she died. It's just you never know,,,so from now on I'm going to say farewell instead of RIP because i don't know for sure if she's dead. Haha but I'm taking real good care of her son. He's actually a toddler now. I think his name is Akitchi or something, in either case he's a blue duck thingy.

Marotchi's Gen5 Final Words:

"You take good care of my son!!! You hear me??" Me: "Yes I will Marotchi." "Good I don't want him to be neglected." "Now leave me some time to play catch with my son." "ahhh!" "Farewell son." Whoosh!! "Me: Say hello to your husband from me."


moy ma iz gon wa ga da da ma ma waaaaa.

ah weast i gooot goood stp ma

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Jan 28th, 2011-Jan 4th,2011

Toni: Kind of haven't been updating daily so I'll give you a quick review of what's been going on. So my lil guy grows up into teenage young mametchi and then he grows up to be Nemutchi.

I marry him, we go through so many females. I finally choose Makiko and they get happily married. Nemutchi brings home the baby boy. It turned into kuribotchi (which i think is like a little ball of feces with urine at the bottom, no offense to fans). Then right now he's Kikitchi. We've been having a lot of fun. Although I'm sad that I'm not able to access all happy bars because the weather has been snowy and rainy, never sunny.

Good luck wherever you are Nemutchi

Feb. 5th- Feb. 11th 2011

Unfortunately Gozarutchi left after he gave birth to a little boy.

I miss him soo much. I got my tamasuku and so I was starting that up, but then I decided that I should shut my color down and take the batteries out and then restart it back to where I was, but unfortunately I pressed reset instead of download, and i hated myself, I totally screwed up, now i have to start all over. Maybe in April I'll start it up again. Anywayz post any comments below, I won't be on this one for a while. Instead I'll soon start up my Tamasuku Log.

Thanks for reading. RIP Gozarutchi's son.

Tamagotchi Generation: Gozarutchi(Gen 7) & Son (Gen 8,,abrutly ended without knowing)


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Sept 15th-September 17th

Well I took decent care of my tama for someone who hasn't played in a while. All my friends are all ooooh and aww over the color.

Well I first got

Baby: Nokotchi-duh (pink mushroom)

Toddler: Sakuramotchi (pink blob with leaf)

Teen: Ichigotchi (strawberry)

Adult: Marotchi (fat geisha XD)

Well I had to start over so I'm rebuying everthing. Need to get the codes again.

I expect to marry her off tomorrow.

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