Donagon's log


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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
Reaction score
Mystreet, I'mcool town, Eggnog, England
Today, I started my blog. (Well never!) Lets get started!

My posts will have 2 sections, my V4 tama and my V3 tama.. Here goes...


My V4 is called Dom, short for Dominic. Hes a Hinotamatchi who I hope will evole into Togetchi. So logicly I chose Ms Flower as my teacher (Changing teachers, press A when you get the letter). Life points currently at:

Intellagence: 55

Fashion/charm: 100

Kindness: 41


Patopatatchi is my V3. Called Rob he is on his way to be coming Mimitchi! (Or Mametchi) I think I've taken perfect care! :D Don't think I've missed any training points ect. :D


Disater! Clamity! Slept with poop! :furawatchi: Which means I won't get :D I only saw it 4sec before it went to sleep! Darn darn darn darn darn darn darn. :D Apart from that I'd taken perfect care! I hate my luck its annoying...


Its evoled! Into Togetchi! Just as I wanted... :) I've seen w- hang on it just got mail ^^ New fortunes! Money-2 Love-2 Health-2, how exciting... Anyway. I've seen what all the items look like and I think I like this character. I hope my next generation goes into the family that Mimitchi is in (Can't remember the name...)

A side note: I forgot to say that I'm fine if you post on this topic as long as its to do with my tamas. :hitodetchi:

Edit: (TamaMum): Please do not post replies in any TamaLogs topic - it's breaking site rules - check the Tama Logs Rules pinned in bold at the top of this forum. Any comments must be sent by PM. Thanks :lol:

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Still Togetchi, nothing much happened between now and last post. Well, I went on Tama town and when to the bank and got 200 score and got a trophy! Has anyone else found it?


It hasn't evoled let! I'm sure it has been 4 years old more more then an hour! Nowing my luck it'll proborly evole as I'm writing this! (Long Pause) Hmm... maybe not. Why hasn't it evoled? :( (Yes I know I'm spelling "evoled" wrong, I'm not good at spelling!) I'm still waiting for it to evole.... (Even longer pause) Ok... Now I am quite worried.. Anyone got any suggestions on my it hasn't evoled? ;)


Matchmaker will come tommow, hope my next gen. goes into the family with Mimitchi in. Never had one of them! I'm also bit sad about letting the matchmaker come because so far, this tama has been "Pure Bread" If you can call it that without sounding like a certain blonde haired boy from the HP books. :furawatchi:


The Granophone is an intresting item, I'm listening to it now. Doo dee dum dee dooo... *sigh*. Life is good... I <3 (Love heart) Mametchi!! :D :kuribotchi:

Edit: Spelt Granophone wrong :hitodetchi: , spelt it "Geanophone"

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After seeing "TAMAGIRL2008"'s blog in which her tamas talk! I decided to do the same thing.. Tamagirl, hope you don't mind me copying you, it just means it was a really good idea!

My V3 talks in Red

My V4 talks in blue

(I havn't used colors before so I may have to edit the post to get it right)

Hallo, its Dom here, a request to my owner, can you set the clock? Its a bit out


Thanks :D

Hey what about my clock?

I set that too :kuribotchi:

Cool, I should have realized :furawatchi:

Thats all for now! Bye!

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I'm his favorite tamagotchi!

No way, I'm on his avatar

Hey! Whats going on?

He started it!

Did not!

I'm angry with both of you! I expected more from tamas with full training points!



Thats better... :D

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Hallo everyone, my tamas are about to have a game with each other!

I'll win of course

No, I'll win

Let the game begin! Ready Set. Go!

Yay! I won! :huh:


Lets do best out of 5!

You got lucky...

Yeah right....

Told you :angry:

Begginers luck I tell you!

The score is 1-1, 3rd round time :angry:

Gah! :(

I told you!

Match point! ^_^

I can't lose!....

Hehehehehehe ^^

Next time....

Dom (V4) won! Congratz, you win some pride!

Rob (V3)... You get some jeasiously

Wooo hooo

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hiya! Everyone, Doms got something to say to you all!

I got married! The match maker came!

Didn't come to me :lol:

You're just young, thats all.

yep, the matchmaker will proborly come tommorrow for you

Who was it you married anyway?

It was a Pukatchi

Was she nice?

Yes :lol:

Hope I marry a mimitchi! :D

So do I!

Meanwhile, its time for the next games match! Best of 3 this time :)

I'll win!

[SIZE=14pt]Will not![/SIZE]

We will see!



Next round..

I won!

Not exacully Dom didn't connect proborly

What? Your kidding!

Sorry I'm not

Hehehe :)

Both connected this time!


Next time...

Thats all for now, score is 2-1 to Dom!

And rightly so!

Shut up please

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Great news! I now have a V5! Troblue is there all alseep, lets not disturb them.

Come to think of it, so are all my other tamas.


See what I mean. News... The matchmaker fainly came to Rob, who now has a baby girl! Which means she can marry Dom's baby boy! :D

Let ne just check the character chart... Rob married a Billotchi, I think.

Thats all for now! Bye!

Great news! We have a new addition to this log! It isn't that Dom went away and left baby boy Fredy here (While I was writing this I checked him and this hungry hearts were 2 down! Oh no! :angry: ) I brought I V5! I won't tell you the family name ('cos its mine to!) but I've looked at the growth chart and I've got one that will go into the smart family! Hooray :)

I don't have much time at the mo, I'll continue in another post later today (I hope) :unsure:

Or maybe not. :lol: Fredy evoled into Mohitamatchi (agian!!!! I've got him for last 3 generations!!) ;) And Dom, went back to tama plant to.

Anyway, V5... Colours.. anything but red and blue!

Goo goo!

Hey! Us Mohitamatchis are cool you know!


Why do we go on the travel show so much?

Because thats pause on V5s and thats also when I'm at school!

I'm smart!

Yes... You are, your in the smart family after all.

What family am I in?

Um... Not smart, not easygoing... The other one!


Everyone has evoled! Yay!

Jane (red) evoled twice into young mimitchi!

Fredy evoled into Hinotanratchi

and the v5s... evoled into Korokotchi, shelltchi and Mamekatchi. Yay one smart one!

I'm not the smart one anymore


I'm not smart ethier


Stop showing off!


I wanna be a mimitchi when I grow up!

(shes a young mimitchi, looks like :lol: that)


Your not a pirate :lol:

We can pretend!

Can I play?

V5s can't connect with other versions...

What? Thats rubbish :lol:

Arn't you busy studying?


Break it up! BREAK IT UP!

We were just messing!


Well... Ok.

Yeah right...


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