Dog attack?


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March 2008 Contest Winner
Jan 2, 2008
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I started this topic because I just had a dog attack about five minutes ago :(

So heres my story:

I was going over to my friend Noah's house for a puppy playdate.Ok,so his dog wouldn't harm a fly,but he's not the problem.So we walked around and came back to his house.He had another dog in a kenel,and he said"I need to let him out to get some exersize pick Tess(my dog) up".So I did,and aparantly that dog didn't like Tess,so he attacked me.He jumped up,trying to grab tess.At that time I was screaming,Noah yelled"RUN!".But I couldn't run all the way home with Tess in my arms.At that time,Noah grabed him by the coller and put him back in his kenel.Tess was fine.I was fine.Thats why I'm Noahs best friend now.

So enough about me,did you ever have a dog attack you?

Tamalove2 ^_^

Yes D:

I was in 1st grade, and I was walking to the hill at my school. A dog was loose. It was someone elses, and they kept screaming, "Lucky! Get back here!" It attacked my and my teddy bear, trying to eat it. I pulled it from the dog and aI too ka dash. I was so scared, thats why I HATE golden retrivers now D:

My old dog was pure evil. She tried to attack me when I was on the couch when I was a baby. That's why we don't have her anymore.

OMG so many times it's not even funny. >.< I hate dogs. Actually, I pretty much hate all animals in general. THAT DOESN'T MEAN I AM ALL FOR ANIMAL ABUSE OR SOMETHING, I think it's terrible to abuse animals because seriously if you don't want a pet, just don't get one, don't get one and neglect it, but I still do not like being near them or anything.

If a weiner dog laying on my head and almost smothering me in the middle of the night counts, then yes.

I can handle small dogs well. Bigger dogs, not so much. :/

No, never. But I've gotten attacked by a cat though.. >_o

I was narrowly close to one.

Let's just say.... I was 9 or 10... and there was this wall with this short gate and I was on one side when this chocolate lab came out of the building on the other side and was barking and growling and trying to get over the fence. I yelled for help, nobody heard me. I was scared so I sat down and started crying. Eventually it got tired of me and went back inside. I quickly opened the gate and silently ran to the door that let me out of that area. It was sooo scary.

^ So have I. Not fun. D:
So have I! O_O'

when I was young my close family friends use to live on a farm and they had a big pond and kept geese in it. I was crawling around and it pecked at my eye lid Dx

Plus a stray Bull-dog tried to attack me. It was really small and fat. It only got away with a huge bleeding scratch but by then I kicked it and it flew! x_x


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;) I've never really liked dogs since my neighbors chased me home with their dog when I was four... but my family did adopt a Pekingese who was very smart. (He could talk... he'd say, "let me out," when he was outdoors and "yo'momma," when barking at other dogs.) He had an attitude problem although he was very loyal and stinky... but he thought he could take any other dog... and one night he thought he'd pick a fight with a really big dog... like a Rotwiler? (my spelling sucks, I'm sorry) This dog attacked our little stinky dog... it was so bad we thought it killed him.... My mom got in there though and pried them apart just in time though. Our dog came out of it with only a hernia... It was so scary.... :angry:

Before that my mom had bought a dog to help me from being scared of dogs... but he was so dumb... he knocked over my little sister and stepped on her face just to eat her Popsicle... she still has the scars on her face and it's had 18 years to heal!!

.... I still don't really like dogs... :huh:

yeh i narrowly missed one!

i was at my mums bosses house and there was a boxer out side so i say to the boss "Can i go pat the dog?"

the boss replied "no, because when he was small my son kept hitting him with a stick now he will attack any little person"

so typically being me i went out the front where i found i stick and started playing with it, i look around and see the dog standing at the fence watching me, so i walk over to the fence, stick my hand through the fence and have my hand so close to touching the boxers head then it started growling and lightning quick it tried to bite my hand luckily i got my hand out just in time!

i think thats what gave me my quick reflexes...... anyway i am not trying that again!

So have I! O_O'when I was young my close family friends use to live on a farm and they had a big pond and kept geese in it. I was crawling around and it pecked at my eye lid Dx

Plus a stray Bull-dog tried to attack me. It was really small and fat. It only got away with a huge bleeding scratch but by then I kicked it and it flew! x_x

I was about fived, and we were at the lake. It bit me and took my bread.

I was mugged by a goose.. D:

I'm really scared of dogs, even little ones. I've never been "attacked" as such but a friend of mines dog did run down the stairs and coner me in the hall. I was only six and wasn't far off being as tall as me!

Ok this first story was scary to me it happened to my cousin and the second one happened to me but it was a duck not a dog lol.

Not me but my older cousin got bit in the arm ( he still has the scar I think ) by my grandmas neighbors dog I was inside and I heard him scream ( this happened when I was little ) I tried to go outside but my dad got in front of me and told me to stay inside and then he called the ambulance and my aunt sued my grandmas neighbors for it I haven't seen that horrid dog since. I love animals but this dog was terrible. Even if I was five and it didn't happen to me it still scares me ;-; he had to get stitches :( .

Once when I was 4 we went to the park and I saw baby ducks tried to take one and the mom flew after me and my mom picked me up and ran us to the car. LOL ( true story ) I don't like grown ducks ( they have terrible tempers so do geese! >:[ ) I only like the baby ones lol.

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Ugh this one time me and my friend were bike riding and this dog came chasing after us,

It was a big and scary dog, It was really close and we tried to peddle faster.

Than it caught it and grabbed my friends foot with it's mouth and tore her off the bike >.<

It was really scary, Than some dude came out and hit the dog with a rock so it would get off her...

She still has the scar.

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