does your sister ever...completely


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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
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My sister is what you would call a popular, pretty,preppy,teen girl.I am the person who clashes all their clothes is the weirdo of the class is not the prettiest and a bit chubby.My sister is always obsessing over my hair,makeup,clothes,and friends / parties.Does your sister ever do this and/or do you know why my sister would do this?

please share your experiences and advice thanks!!

ya i have a lil sister and she likes to show me off to her friends b/c im pretty and popular!!!!! :eek:

My sister....

She doesn't obssess in a good way...

She enjoys taunting me about....

----Being kind of flat chested

----My teeth

----My fashion sense

----My ex boyfriend

----Basically everything about me.

But when she's nice, we are really nice to each other and I like that a lot, because she can do my hair really well.

whats really bad about my sister is she thinks shes always gonna be better then me, when i told her i thought i needed my first "real" bra and i actually needed a bra but she just said "you dont need a "real" bra i got my bra at age 12 not 10 you need to wait untill your older" and im like wat the heck!!!! cause i actually needed a bra!!!!

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I'm adopted so I don't have a sister that lives with me, although I see her often.

Well since my little sister has Autism I'm really not sure. But I try to brush her hair and put clips and stuff in it then she gets mad at me XD. And I admit I kinda do tease her in a bad way sometimes but I think that's how big sisters act to little ones sometimes. She's 12 and I'm 14 so yea lol ( and yet people think were twins I'm short so yea lol and I act really immature lol but I'm a little more popular than her because of her problem =/ but oh well...) or I might bully her a bit like pushing her ( playfully ) or pull her hair if she gets on my nerves or yell yea the works hehe but I love her to death ^.^.

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whats really bad about my sister is she thinks shes always gonna be better then me, when i told her i thought i needed my first "real" bra and i actually needed a bra but she just said "you dont need a "real" bra i got my bra at age 12 not 10 you need to wait untill your older" and im like wat the heck!!!! cause i actually needed a bra!!!!
Sorry for double post but. Every girls breasts grow differently so tell your mom not her she doesn't know for sure if you need a new bra or not just because she's older doesn't mean anything you could be developing faster so yea.

I don't have a sister, but my little brother called me beautiful today~What kind of a brother does that? O:
A plotting or guilty-of-something one. O:


My little brother could care less what I looked like. :p

ya i have a lil sister and she likes to show me off to her friends b/c im pretty and popular!!!!! :mametchi:

Yeah, I don't think I like you.

I don't have a sister.


Being an only child is lonely ;_;

ya i have a lil sister and she likes to show me off to her friends b/c im pretty and popular!!!!! :mametchi:
Hey, here's a wild and crazy question. Do you ever post about something other than your so called "beauty and hotness"?

Anyways, no, my sister doesn't. But she likes to help me with my outfit sometimes.

o_OYeah, I don't think I like you.
-Agrees completely-

Unfortunately, I don't have a sister ;.;

All I have are older brothers, but, my one borhter is kinda fashionable 0.o

He's like constintly shopping, it's so weird. ..

So, there is only me to obsess over me. =]

o_OYeah, I don't think I like you.
I know what you mean,

Sort of. Half of the time she acts like she hates me, A quater of the time she yells at me, and another quater, she does'nt talk to me.

ya i have a lil sister and she likes to show me off to her friends b/c im pretty and popular!!!!! :eek:
I'm sorry but you seriously need to stop bragging about yourself ok and I hate to be mean but I really don't like you either. Goodness gracious! And like I said in my last posts lol.

ya i have a lil sister and she likes to show me off to her friends b/c im pretty and popular!!!!! :eek:

*Eats you* I beginning to not like you... >.>

I agree with candygirl. Its good to think your pretty, but don't brag about it.

And no.

I obsess over her, mostly because I don't have nothing to do but be with her. xDDD


Really?! wow! o_O He likes to shop... Sweeet.

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