does feeding favourite foods impact anything besides happiness ?


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Jun 1, 2024
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what it says in the title. I'm wondering if feeding my tamagotchi its favourite foods will impact what it grows into on the v3 specifically
idk, i dont have a conectoin, i do have a pix tho, and feeding it its favourit foods does make it happier, i also think that mabe it does ina way, because if doing diforent atoins more than anything els that day chancees th charcter room, which efects what it grow up to be!!!
Good Luck Charlie Idk GIF
what it says in the title. I'm wondering if feeding my tamagotchi its favourite foods will impact what it grows into on the v3 specifically
First it does affect weight, I don't recall it affecting which adult you get in this version, but it might create "poor care" adults. It does play a role in select games (bump-being the first one to come to mind) and health, your Tamagotchi is more likely to become ill if they're overweight.

Its favorite foods don't play a big role like the color generations, it really is for happiness.

I attached some links regarding the growth chart, the original instructions, and a good thread from here regarding care. Enjoy!

Growth Chart

Care Guide Thread

Original Instruction Sheet

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