do you think they r going to make a camp rock2?


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I hope they do! And CampRock is nothing like HSM. I mean, CampRock has much more meaning and a much better storyline.

HSM I think is just too kiddish and doesn't have any good plots.

I loved CR, and I really hope a second one comes out. But if the Jonas Brothers aren't in it, I probably wouldn't even watch it.

Yeah, they are making a camp rock 2. ^_^


I just home Demi and Joe kiss >_< I thought they were gonna kiss in the first movie.

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Of course they will make a second one.

But no way it's the new HSM. I think Camp Rock was a lot less professional than High School Musical. It was too cheesy. HSM was wayyy better.

Actually, there IS going to be a CR2. It's going to be filmed in early 2009.

And, better yet, I'm freakin auditioning. <3 Muwahahaha.

Actually, there IS going to be a CR2. It's going to be filmed in early 2009.And, better yet, I'm freakin auditioning. <3 Muwahahaha.
That's really cool Desy! Best of wishes~!


I haven't seen Camp Rock, I'm not ntoo into Disney nowadays. But knowing Disney they probably will make one.

Actually, there IS going to be a CR2. It's going to be filmed in early 2009.And, better yet, I'm freakin auditioning. <3 Muwahahaha.
Is there a website or something about the auditions? It's not like I have anything better to do with my time... >.>;


I loved Camp Rock. It pwned HSM and HSM 2. I They are making a Camp Rock 2. I actually knew that before Camp Rock came out. o__O"

I think I heard somewhere that they are making a Camp Rock 2.

HSM3 will be out this fall in theaters, as fas as I know.

The creators should just go to hell.

But thats just my opinion, cheers. :(

Yesss. Disney always rushes to a sequel after the

first is successful. Incase some didn't know, it was the highest viewed

telelvision show on its premiere. Disney has confirmed they're making another

anyways. I think if Walt Disney was alive, he'd be sad to see wanna be singers just

covering up Mickey Mouse and friends....whom started Disney in the first place.

I bet if they made a television movie with no Disney stars in it, nobody would watch just beacuse all the girls have to say "Oh, that Nick or Joe is soooo cute!" >.>

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