Do you like Gozarutchi?


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Not really.


I always exploded with anger when I got Gozorotchi on my v4.


It hated me, and it was suicidal.

I like it because it's cool. :D
Well,i would like to get him on my V4 someday and i think he is awesome.Though i prefer Masktchi's they are much cooler.

I mean the character itself is cool but if i ever get them in my v5, its an absolute NONO!!!!

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I think the Gozarutchi is very cool, even though on some versions you get it when you give your Tama extreme neglect. But that's only on some versions. I, personally, think it's cool to raise a ninja Tamagotchi. And it's a little proof for those people who think Tamagotchis are only for girls. ;)


I also like the Maskitchi. It looks like a football player, and I love football, even though I'm a girl. :(

It's a so-so for Gozarutchi. He's okay. I just don't like him on the no side because it's annoying to see him turn up instead, a universal character(Durn it!) and yes because ninjas are cool. But still so-so.

I hate them. You get them when you have bad care on a tamagotchi!!!!! that means you dont take good care of them!!!!!!! they're bad!!!! the only good ones are the blended ones and :) ^_^ <_< and :mimitchi: Those make a full family!!!!!

I'm ok with Gozarutchi, but it's kida hard to not to take good care of my tamas.

Umm. Yeah. Ninja's are cool. =3
I like ninja's too, but you get a Gozarutchi if you neglect your tamagotchi. Same goes with Maskitchi, but if you like them, that's fine with me. I don't really know if I like Gozarutchi, I get it's a so-so. I prefer a :D or a ;) . I also prefer these: :( and ;) .

@ Gracethedragon: The cat one is Nyatchi, isn't it? :mellow:


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