ok we had 13 kittens and like 5 cats, so that made 19 cats.. but we gave 5 of the kittens 2 this place they will give them away for us,
so now we have 5 kittens and 5 cats,
we have a snow corn snake! it ROCKS!!!
and a hamster
& a bunny,
oh wait the bunny got out a ran a way...
oh i cant forget my dog stella lol
*oh ya we had a Hermit-crab*but it died
& we had 2 fish but 1 died now we have1 fish..
ok so heres the easy list of what i have rite now
*5 kittens and 5 cats
*a snow corn snake
* hamster
*i maybe getting more pets soon
Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2007