So far in highschool I've never had a "Mean" teacher.
They can be strict, but thats only when need be.
Like when all the students are totally out of line.
I can understand them being snappy then.
But so far in highschool no mean teachers, I've loved them all.
Now in elementary! Thats a whole other story.
My science/music teacher was a complete doorknob.
For some reason he was nice to me? But quite mean to everyone else.
We couldn't get through even one class without him sending a kid to the office for some stupid reason.
Like correcting him, or quiety talking, etc.
I remember one time when he was making fun of some kids hair. The the kid replied: "At least I have hair!"
He got so angry and of course sent him to the office.
I have no idea why he even became a teacher. He's quite boring, quite rude, and obiviously doesn't like children all that much! He's even made a majority of children cry too!
I was so happy when he moved down to teach the Gr. 5's.
But a little scared for them too. Since I was in Gr. 7/8 at the time, I wondered how the younger ones would be able to handle him!