Do people at your school make up wierd jokes?


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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2006
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One sick one the boys made up:

What do you eat for breakfast?

ketchup and liquer.

What did you eat for lunch?

ketchup and liquer.

What did you eat for dinner?

ketchup and liquer.

What do you do when you see a hot girl?

Catch up and lick her.

Sicko! xP


At my school they play the Butt Game.

How-to: Whisper the word "butt". The other person has to say it a little bit louder. You two outdo each other with how loud you can say it until you're both just yelling "BUTT!" really loudly at one another.

One sick one the boys made up:
What do you eat for breakfast?

ketchup and liquer.

What did you eat for lunch?

ketchup and liquer.

What did you eat for dinner?

ketchup and liquer.

What do you do when you see a hot girl?

Catch up and lick her.

Sicko! xP
ew X_x

They say if you have a really close friend whom is the same gender, your a gay x___x

AND there is this game, were everyone thinks I have rabies, which causes me to be friendless >_<

I got a sick one too! xD

How did 'Wendy's' get Pregnant? (sp?)

Because Burger king forgot to wrap his woper.

@_@ o_O

Yea....very weird, I know....

Have you heard the Blueberry Hills one? That's one.

And then basically it's the Your Momma jokes.

I've heard the lick her one before!

I actually tend to sit back and enjoy the jokes. No use in getting all worked up at something you can't fix. ^^

We have this one where you get really close to someone, grab their right hand and close, and say "If you open your hand you're gay.lesbian, and the only time you can open your hand is if you slap the butt of the opposite gender." Of course we don't say it that politely xD

Here is one a guy told me Shaggy and Birtteny Spears walk into a bar and someone farts Shaggy says "wasent me" Birtteny Spears says "So Toxic" the next day they walk into a bar Shaggy says "wasent me" Birtteny Spears says"oops I did it again!"And another one is you just make up a upside down story like Star Wars or Dora the expoler gone wrong Star Wars has Girl Darth Varder in a pink outfit and Einstien saying Did you know?

Here is one a guy told me Shaggy and Birtteny Spears walk into a bar and someone farts Shaggy says "wasent me" Birtteny Spears says "So Toxic" the next day they walk into a bar Shaggy says "wasent me" Birtteny Spears says"oops I did it again!"And another one is you just make up a upside down story like Star Wars or Dora the expoler gone wrong Star Wars has Girl Darth Varder in a pink outfit and Einstien saying Did you know?
hehe the brittney one was funny. lol :D :D

Its not just the boys you know, Its actiully all the girl at my school that do that! One of them made up a joke that goes lie this:

What did you have for breakfeast?

Pea soup

What did you have for lunch?

Pea soup

What did you have for dinner?

Pea soup

What did you do all night?

Pee soup


eeermm...i don't get that one. the boys at my school don't tell sick jokes (that i know of) but they are so perverted!!! they were like,"oh, i wonder why they don't use the showers (in PE) and then they're like,"imagine going to into the girl's locker room and seeing a girl in the shower?" i almost barfed.

i meant i didn't get the 1 about the woper

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At my school they play the Butt Game.

How-to: Whisper the word "butt". The other person has to say it a little bit louder. You two outdo each other with how loud you can say it until you're both just yelling "BUTT!" really loudly at one another.
Lol - I love that one.

My school doesn't really do jokes, they do tricks. Like one day i was hanging out with my friends and the "cool" kids came up to us and asked my friend, "how's it hanging?" my friend was smart enough to wonder why the cool kids were coming up to the uncool kids and asking how they were, so she said "uh...i'm not sure i should answer that..."

there's also:

say "Ex" over and over again really fast - it sounds like, well, you're probably smart enough to figure that out


hold your tongue with your hand and say "I was born on a pirate ship cleaning people's glasses"

It ends up sounding like "I was born in a pile of s**t cleaning people *****" sorry about the language, that's just how the trick goes.

There are others, i just can't think of them right now.

Lol - I love that one.
My school doesn't really do jokes, they do tricks. Like one day i was hanging out with my friends and the "cool" kids came up to us and asked my friend, "how's it hanging?" my friend was smart enough to wonder why the cool kids were coming up to the uncool kids and asking how they were, so she said "uh...i'm not sure i should answer that..."

there's also:

say "Ex" over and over again really fast - it sounds like, well, you're probably smart enough to figure that out


hold your tongue with your hand and say "I was born on a pirate ship cleaning people's glasses"

It ends up sounding like "I was born in a pile of s**t cleaning people *****" sorry about the language, that's just how the trick goes.

There are others, i just can't think of them right now.
I heard one like that you hold your tonuge and say Get the puck off the ice. You should know what it is

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