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Oct 8, 2005
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First off, for those of you who don't get the topic title/description, refer to here.

Just a quick intro of myself:

I am mysterious and boring. Last year I was given the Award for Excellency in Video Gaming by the high school seniors. I eat triple posters for breakfast. Whole. My lair lies in Middle of Nowhere, Pennsylvania. And I will answer ALL of your questions. Except that one.

Heh, thanks! I have read the rules, and I hope to have a good time here. As for the strange stuff, I guess I'm used to weirder message boards. As an addendum (it's a word, look it up) to my original introduction, I am 16, female, and have just ordered the gray and green v2 camo Tamagotchis. I've been into Tamagotchis ever since around 1996/1997 soon after they first came out.

My god, has it really been that long? I feel old...

Don't feel old, Paradox. :D I'm 18, I had the original tamas, too. I feel kind of old as well...

And welcome! And I love your avatar (I'm a big Cowboy Bebop fan)

Don't feel old, Paradox. :D I'm 18, I had the original tamas, too. I feel kind of old as well...
And welcome! And I love your avatar (I'm a big Cowboy Bebop fan)
Ah man, it's weird being called Paradox. I haven't settled into my new name yet. My avatar was scanned from volume 1 of the manga. I spent like 3 hours coloring it in ^^:

Aw cool! :] You did a good job. I'm a Faye fan...

And I want a welsh corgi. I will name him Ein if it is a boy.

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