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Dec 13, 2009
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The title stands for Dazzmina's Last Tama Log. And it's true. I am making NO MORE LOGS after this; I've HAD ENOUGH. This is my LAST AND FINAL TRY.

I have 30 Tamas, got that? Yes. OK, I'm running one Tama, a 15th Anniversary iD L. Got that? Good. The said Tama is a girl called Ciara, and is...Mikazukitchi. I'm taking perfect care of her to get...Melodytchi. Ugh, I was supposed to memorise the growth chart! Anyway...I never said I wanted Melodytchi, on the contrary she was exactly what I DIDN'T want, but oh well, that's what comes of forgetting to memorise the growth chart. Or maybe I'll get Racequeentchi/Dazzilitchi instead? Yes. OK, bye, I'm off to do some connecting with my other colour Tamas!

Oh sorry...I'm failing already aren't I? Maybe the fact half term is over is getting me down a bit. I'm currently sitting at the computer at 7:29 AM on Monday morning, typing in my log when I should be looking up the happy symbols for Daniel the 4th generation Mametchi, son of Ciara the Dazzilitchi.

I've also started my V3 - the constellation design and awesome games were irresistible! I found a 1st generation Young Mametchi, Jack, 22 lbs, 4 training bars. He gets to sleep in till 8 or 9 - lucky! (I have to get up at 7 to check TT before school.)

OK...I've just started and already I'm giving up...I feel like I'm spamming creating so many logs! But I really do want to use another title I thought of, and adjoin a TT log with my new TamaCraze log. It will be called "Thirty Tamas and One Girl", after my first ever log, "Two Tamas and One Girl".
