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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2008
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Are you or your parents divorced? Do you know anyone in the same situation?

My parents have NEVER divorced :D but I know many people who did have divorced parents.

Share your thoughts on the issue here.

My mum and Dad werent married when they made me but I dont really see my mum and It feels like they're divorced... :]

My mum and dad were not married but I hardly ever see my dad anymore <_<

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Nope my parents arent divorced. I mean if its a big issue like its abusive or its really not working off then your better off divorced but if its for something really stupid then i think its dumb. :l

Yeah, I dont care, but Im sick of going to his house every weekend >_>

my mom always has an excuse. "IM GOING OUT" "IM VISITING YOUR GRANDMOTHER", When she doesnt sometimes >_>

My parents are divorcing, and I'm so glad because they hate each others' guts so much and back in July they had this HUGE fight. If you were downstairs with me and my brother, you'd think they were having a throwdown or that they were killing eachother. Literally. And my brother nearly ran away (SERIOUSLY) and was trying to get me to go with him but I had him stay with me.

My parents are not divorced but some of my friends are and i feel very bad for them. My arents aren't the pefect couple but they love us so they wouldn't divorce.

My parents finally divorced when I was 15.

They just weren't really friends any more and I didn't see the point of them being married any more either.

The divorce was not hard on me at all. Life just went on.

I was just happy to see them be able to move on and not have a dead relationship in the way of later happiness.

My parents are divorcing, and I'm so glad because they hate each others' guts so much and back in July they had this HUGE fight. If you were downstairs with me and my brother, you'd think they were having a throwdown or that they were killing eachother. Literally. And my brother nearly ran away (SERIOUSLY) and was trying to get me to go with him but I had him stay with me.
Aw, poor you. =( I'm really sorry for you. I hope everything works out! =]

My personal view on divorce is that it's a very sad thing. I'm a Christian, and I believe that marriage is a sacred relationship where two people are joined as one, and promise to stay together as long as they live. When that promise is broken I do believe that it's a sin, but I really sympathise with the children of these parents. This is just my opinion.

Sadly, divorce rates are going up and up. People don't seem to realise how special marriage really is. It's a commitment, and you're not always going to agree with your partner, but you work at it, and you'll always love each other really. I hate how divorce warps the whole point of marriage. :blink:


Yes. My parents are.

They broke up because of...Something financial or something. But they assured me it wasn't because of me or my sister!

My dad still lives w/ me,my mom and my sister. Because my mom doesn't have a good job[No, she doesn't work at McDonalds! xDDD She works for a daycare center.].


Sometimes people aren't compatible. Some people...just don't love each other....I guess... :|

My parents fight over the stupidest things like twice a year. They aren't divorced tho. :blink:

And who ever has parents that are divorced, I feel bad for you, especially if you don't even see your mom and/or dad.

My parents aren't divorced, but my friend's are. Her mom is required by law to let him see her every once in a while when he wants, and she's trying to get him to sign some papers so he officially gives up custody of her and her brother. My friend knows that if that happens she'll never see her father again. Her mom has cancelled her myspace, her email, taken away her cellphone, and even unplugged their home phone. All so she can't talk to her dad. It's so sad. When she asked her mom why, she said it's because he's "a bad influence." I'd side a bit more with her mom if he were an actual bad influence.

Mine are...from when i was 3 till now which is like..10 years!?1

I dont know! :p , I forgot... :p

No, my parents aren't divorced. They're staying together because of my younger sister and I

My personal view on divorce is that it's a very sad thing. I'm a Christian, and I believe that marriage is a sacred relationship where two people are joined as one, and promise to stay together as long as they live. When that promise is broken I do believe that it's a sin, but I really sympathise with the children of these parents. This is just my opinion.

Sadly, divorce rates are going up and up. People don't seem to realise how special marriage really is. It's a commitment, and you're not always going to agree with your partner, but you work at it, and you'll always love each other really. I hate how divorce warps the whole point of marriage. ^_^

I totally agree.

Till death do couples part.

My really good friend's parents are.

I keep her in my prayers. :wacko:

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