Diary of a Tam ♥


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Dec 17, 2005
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[SIZE=14pt]Tuesday March 27th 2007[/SIZE]

Hello there everyone! I'm so happy that you're reading this. I guess my life is kind of interesting to you. My name is Onyx the Tarakotchi. I have 3 brothers and sisters, but I really don't remember. My owner has only been using me. The others don't have batteries bause she can only keep track of one at a time. I think she's the only tama fan who actually isn't practically killing people just to get the V4. She's kind of lost interest in us. Pretty much everyone here has. But enough of that, let me tell you more about myself.

I am seven years old, waiting for the matchmaker to come so I can mate up and have a baby. I've always wanted to have a lovable bundle of joy to hold. I really hope it'll be a girl. I have 8/9 training points. I am 81 lbs. but I am planning on losing some weight by playing games. I'm a girl on my first generation and I only have 63 points although I'll probably get a lot by trying to lose weight.

I have a lot of items in my inventory like a pair of glasses, 2 skateboards and 4 pairs of boots. Yeah, I'm kinda spoiled but I really wish I had more points so I could buy some of the more expensive items in the store. I've tried to get my friend, Noxy, the Tarakotchi to fall in love with me using a love potion but no success. Anyways, my sisters are Kekky and Kelli, version 3s.

More in the next post.

[SIZE=14pt]Still March 27th[/SIZE]

I pooped! Well, it's true. Now I neeed to eat to be full and happy. Time to start playing, I guess I'll play jump or bump.

>.< I just had a meal and two snacks. Now I'm 85 lbs. Wow, I'm fat. I have to lose weight or I might get so fat that I'll die. LOL Time to play!

I won round 1. Aw. I lost round two and earned 20 points. Time for another game. Ok, I defeated that kutchipatchi. Ooh! The Dorotchi too. Round three = clear! Aw well, at least I earned 60 points. I now have 143 points. I'm back to 81 lbs.

I'm so happy that my owner bought me. At first, she didn't want anything to do with us tamas but suddenly, everyone wanted one and so did she after playing with her friend's tama. She bought my great great great great great great great (blabs on for another two minutes) grandma who died.

I can't wait for my baby to carry on the family name. I've been thinking of some names for a baby. I was thinking for a girl: Stacy. And for a boy: Cooki. So, it looks like I won't be writing for very long unless the matchmaker doesn't come and I turn into an old lady.

My Tamagotchi shell is a light blue tropical Version 2. I turned seven today when I started writing, so I haven't been 7 for very long. Where is that darn matchmaker? I really want her to come and bring me a man! I'm thinking of a trick. Can someone tell me if this works:

I match up and I have a baby, then before bedtime, my owner pauses me and I can keep the baby for another day. Does that work or will it be another failed attempt?


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[SIZE=14pt]STILL Tuesday March 27th[/SIZE]

Woot! (No, the matchmaker hasn't come yet)But I do have some awesome news! My owner and her boyfriend (Ooh!) went to Boston Pizza with her parents and brother and she brought me along on my lanyard so I wouldn't die. Well, it was pretty cozy after she took off her jacket and stopped suffocating me.

I can't wait to meet her best friend kerry*bridget tomorrow. But just now, she painted me with clear sparkly nail polish just so my shell is different from other tropical version two shells.

Well, time to try to lose more weight. Round one of bump completed. Aw. I lost round two and got another 20 points. Time for some heading. I only hit the ball 7 times and I got 14 points. So far, I lost two pounds and now I am 79 lbs. 5 points from jump. Another 5 points. 5 more points. I am 76 lbs. and now I have lost one hungry heart.

Yes, I do like playing games to earn money. Ooh! 60 points from the slots! 20 more from slots. Now I'm 73 lbs. Okay, I'll write some more later.


~A note from lil*kitty*kat~

Well, just like her brother and sisters, Onyx's battery died. I have some money and I'll see how much they cost. By the way, the matchmaker hasn't come yet and Onyx still has no tama.

Regardless to what Onyx said earlier, I might actually buy a tamagotchi V4 with the money I'm saving up. Hopefully, they're not all gone when I go. I'll check in either Wal Mart or Toys R Us.

So Onyx's diary will be put on hold until I get batteries.

Don't be sad!!!!

♥With love,


*Makes face* I hate being so broke...before buying a Nintendo DS and four Fruits Basket books back in late spring and summer, I was rich...I had gotten 500 bucks from my birthday!

*Sighs* I still don't have enough for the stuff I want

Money so far: 10 bucks....

Money needed: Alot

Shopping list:

•Tamagotchi Version 4

•4 Tamagotchi batteries

•A Webkinz (they look so cute!)

•Some art supplies

•A better art program


Hopefully, most of this will come soon...and Onyx will come back with her brothers and sisters.


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