Diary of a new tamagotchi!


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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
HI! I decided to start a new log. The other one didn't work so well. So, this is a log about my v-3 tama. k, here goes.

Im resetting my v-3. I did all the stuff you need to do. I am waiting for it to hatch. Yay! it's a girl! Iwill name her Nikki. i will go to tamatown, and get her some souvaniers :furawatchi: :wub:

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Hi! i am Nikki! I am now a teenager, and im a young mametchi. just saying! I have a v-4 friend, and she is a Mimitchi!

Hi, it's me, and i have taken good care of my v-3! Little Nikki is now a Mametchi! :p Right before this post, We went to Tamatown to get some souvaniers. I will let her talk now:

Hi all!I never thought i would become a Mametchi! This is so cool! Oh, wait a minute, Lisa is going to check what i have in the shop...

Oh drat. nothing interesting. Lisa says she will try to change the time si i can buy a ticket.

Yes Nikki, and remember, when you have a baby, they will always remember the great Mametchi you were, and they will visit you in tamatown!

:huh: are you saying that i will leave soon? oh no! :lol:

No! well, you are, but it will not be until you are 7, because right now, you are only 3

:eek: Phew! I am so glad of that! My friend is a Mimitchi, and i want to be able to at least spend a little more time with her :D

Hello, wassup? Nothing interesting going on with my tama. Except Earlier today, i was in band, and there was practice for solo ensemble, and so we were allowed to bring tamas and stuff to class. my friend brought her v-4, and then we tried to connect them so that Nikki could mate. They ended up being partners, but try as we might, they never had a baby! we even used the love potion! From now on, when my tama wants to say something, it will be in between the tamagotchi icons

:angry: Hi!It's me, Nikki, and I am now 4 years old! I never did get that plane ticket and now i am just waiting for me to be able to go to tamatown. It was supposed to be a surprise, but, Lisa spilled the secret, and so now i know. I will talk more about tamatown when we get back! :D

You heard her, well, we're off to tamatown! I will post later :blink:

We're back already! Nikki got bored, because she wanted to see the king, but she hasn't donated enough points yet. Awww... Nikki is brushing her teeth! she is so cute! Good heygiene is key for having a healthy life! i will post back later.

Hi evry1! My little Nikki had a baby girl today! I will let her talk:

:) hi, i had a baby girl today! I am sort of sad, though. i will be leaving soon! My friend Candi(a v4) had a baby boy at the same time as i had my girl. i have to go now! :)

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Hi! it is me again, with a few things to say: I was so anxious to get Nikki to go to tamatown and leave her baby( no, im not mean, i just wanted to have a baby aready) so i set the time to 11:59 pm and waited a minute. When nikki left, I then set the time to normal time and i named the girl Riley. She is so cute now! she looks like a kutchipatchi, but the kid version. I will let Riley Talk:

;) hi! i am a kid now, i also have a v-4 friend named Hiro, and the Mom Mimitchi left him today at the same time my mommy left. I will miss my mommy, and i will see her later when we go to Tamatown. Hiro and I are friends now, but Lisa says we will become mates! I can't wait to have a baby so i can be visited in tamatown! Bye! :(

She is so cute!

;) thank you :(

are you ready to go to tamatown yet?

:( YES! :(

Ok, then we are off. See you! i will post later!

Hi, sorry I couldn't post the last couple of days. Alot has happened since then

:p you mean like me morphing into a teenager? :gozarutchi:

Yes, exactly that!

:ph34r: I am 3! :ph34r:

Riley has gotten alot of training points, as well as turned into a teen.

:lol: I look like someone with rockets for feet! This is so cool! I have a friend who evolved into an adult, and she is a Kutchipatchi. You all know Sadie. She is 3 like me, and I hope i morph today, because I am 3 :lol:

well, Im gonna go now, see you all!

here is my v4 tama

#1 v4 tama

Hungry: 4 hearts

Happy: 4 hearts

Training: 7 points

Pencil Skill Points: 45

Star Skill Points: 24

Flower Skill Points: 38

Age: 1 year, turning 2 today

Weight: 41 pounds

Name: Beth

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1 g

GP: 5475

Species: Young Mimitchi

:( :eek: :p :( :( :( :( :lol:

thanks, but i would like to add that if you want to reply to this log, you can pm me. please dont post on this log. :)

hi! im back! and might i add, the newest news is that my little riley is 4 years old, and has turned into an adult! I will post back when i find out what kind she is :)

Hi, my tama will talk now

hi everybody! while i still don't know what character i am, i will describe myself: I look like i am wearing a tight hat, and i have antennas, and i look like i sort of have a moustache :) this picture is not my character

Riley, don't worry, we will find out the kind of character you are. want to go totamatown?

yes please

:( :huh: :( ;) :mametchi: such manners! :mametchi:

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Just for future reference, my tama will talk in bold here she is now:

Hi everybody! I am an adult as you all know, and so is my v-4 friend Hiro. We are trying to have a baby, so far to no avail. oh well

Dont worry, Riley. You just started connecting again a day ago, and Hiro turned into an adult just today, so be patient

speaking of tamatown..,..

ok, i get it. Riley wants to go to tamatown

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oops, cant go. I have to get off soon, and I won't have enough time to go to tamatown. so i will talk here with Riley

hi again.  i just want you to kow that Hiro has Mr. turtlepedia for his teacher.   oh. i have to really go now. bye!
:lol: :) :wub: :huh: ^_^ ^_^ I am really sad! Riley died, and she had a baby with her!

yes, but had it not have been for her, I wouldn't have been born!

yes...... by the way, this little one speaking is Josie. I will take care of her, and I will try to get her some more souvaniers, she only has one!

really? we're going to tamatown? hurray!!!! can we go now? can we can we can we?!

yes, we sure can! c'mon! ttyl!

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um..... i would say yes, if I had been on more often, but sure! well, josie is now an aduld. I'll post more tomorrow

Hi! sorry I haven't posted in a while!

You should be! It's a log about me, and alot has happened since then!

right, sorry Josie!

Well, I have a baby girl, and I will name her Jewel, But I am supposed to leave tonight, so I was begging lisa to write in my log!

More later, bye!


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