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Gah, I'm really low right now. v.vI just don't know what to do with myself at this point.

School is going to end in 1 1/2 days, my music lessons are over for the summer, there is no homework and the only activities I have right now are martial arts classes a couple times a week and my church group.

I find all I want to do is sleep, either eat just because or not at all, or just sit in front of the computer.

Maybe I'll be good again after the Christian camp I'm going to next week- I'm seriously at a spiritual low right now.

Not hopeless or faithless- don't get me wrong- but I just don't know exactly which way to turn.

Sounds like me. Low energy, want to sleep a lot etc...

When college ended for me I got like that while I was job searching. I think the camping experience will perk you up a bit because it'll give you a more active routine. I've been keeping myself as busy as I can by exercising more when I can, walking the dog, DJing on internet radio (covering shifts and stuff) as well as working on cover letters, resumes, and chores around the house. I also try to hang out with friends at least once a week. Keeps the spirits up, and hopefully once I have cash, I can save up for driving lessons.

Anyway my overall suggestion is try to make yourself busy. If you need anymore ideas, feel free to PM me.

I am soooooooooo over depression and feeling sorry for myself for not getting what I want. When it happens to you so many times you just get tired of being the one that's always weak. I actually got more from not feeling sorry for myself. I'm learning a lot of new languages,meeting new people and experienceing new things. Even though it gets hard sometimes. I think of all the things I did acomplish. I feel a lot better about myself. I always think positive not negative.

I went through depression. On a Sunday, I didn't do anything. Next thing I know, I'm in bed crying. It went on for 2 MONTHS before I stopped. I'm worried it might happen again. It's not a very nice feeling. Does anyone have any suggestions if it happens again?

I went through depression. On a Sunday, I didn't do anything. Next thing I know, I'm in bed crying. It went on for 2 MONTHS before I stopped. I'm worried it might happen again. It's not a very nice feeling. Does anyone have any suggestions if it happens again?
Take TigerLily013's advice- keep yourself busy.

Sometimes a little down time is good- if you have no plans and/or it's just not possible, decide in your head what you plan to do with your time. That way you won't just sit there doing nothing and getting a bored depression.

Express yourself. If you can get what you are feeling out on paper, draw. If you can sing, sing. If you like writing, write. Just do something that will keep you busy as well as lift your spirits.

Being depressed is NOT fun. When I'm depressed, all of a sudden awful and sad stuff comes into my head. Like I start thinking of all the wonderful things my parents have done for me and then I think about their funeral (they aren't dead yet, I mean what it may be like at it) and that makes it much worse. I cry so hard I just fall asleep or throw up. I hate being depressed. I don't really have a cure I use to make it go away, I just go on with it until it goes away. I especially hate being depressed at school. If I'm depressed at school, simple not very hurtful things people do just make me bawl like a baby. I just skip all my classes until I stop crying.



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Take TigerLily013's advice- keep yourself busy.Sometimes a little down time is good- if you have no plans and/or it's just not possible, decide in your head what you plan to do with your time. That way you won't just sit there doing nothing and getting a bored depression.

Express yourself. If you can get what you are feeling out on paper, draw. If you can sing, sing. If you like writing, write. Just do something that will keep you busy as well as lift your spirits.
OK. Thanks alot, tamaw/pants. I'll keep that in mind. :huh:

'Where does depressions hurt- everyowher. Who does depression hurt- everyone'.
Have you seen those commercails? I was just wondering, is that true? Can depression hurt physicaly too?
Yeah. It gives you like some headaches and sometimes feeling sick to your stomach (but you don't throw up or anything it usually goes away). And those commercials are kind of annoying in my opinion.

This is a mature discussion on depression, if you're depressed, advice on how to feel happier, and to simply talk about how you're feeling.
PLEASE; No immature/rude posts. This is a sensible and mature discussion, and to avoid silly/offensive replies I've placed this topic in Seriously (Non) Tamatalk.

if you look at my most resent post, youll see just how depresed i am

~no one~

Right now, I am depressed......not deeply, it's just that I always have this sadness in me; and it hurts.I smile and laugh everyday, pretending everything is ok. But it's not. I am only hiding behind a mask.
o,i got wat u said,im the same way,it's like something is missing,something to hold onto,i wonder if u feel like that,and its now i just got that feeling when i was reading your post.i dont know wat i need but somethings missing,i dont really know wat it is,maybe it' love,or sadness for some1 thats has pasted away,or maybe u feel your parents feelings.but what ever it is im gonna find that missing piece.hope u do too^.^

Well....sit down, try think what's bothering you. Are your friends pressurising you? You worried about school? Are your parents mean? Is your boyfriend ignoring you? Have you been feeling ill? Period pains?

Talk to your parents, if you think they will trust you.

You can always call Childline if your parents and friends can't help. And don't feel "they won't have time for someone like me" their job is to make you be happy!

I find that a shower, cocoa, early bedtime always helps. I get my mom to read me a bit of a story or something (a little babyish, perhaps, but there you go ^_^ )

Remember, you're important! i haven't met you, and I probably never will, but you matter. There's only one of you! :D

Depression really varies. Sometimes you just feel asd for a long time or alone. I know I have. Things are OK now though.

Depression can get really bad sometimes but what you have always got to do not matter what is look on the bright side. My drama teacher told us one lesson that when you wake up in the morning look in the mirror and smile. This release a chemical that makes you happy exspecialy if you then laugh at the face in the mirror.

If you ever feel really sad I suppose you must talk to someone. It is the only way you'll ever real express yourself. A bit like in this topic.

Wow I always feel so good after writing long bits of adivce. See ya round! Or maybe not as we have never seen eachother to start with.

I cut myself to rid being sad
I really hope you're not serious here, because I myself went through that as well as a large number of my friends. It's an addiction and honestly you need help to overcome it. Even now, 2 years later, I still get urges to and I've gone through a lot of therapy.


I'm starting to get DEPRESSED AGAIN! D:


DARN I feel so mad, and sad...Geez, life sucks. T-T

I'm getting really....Ermm Mad.....At my boyfriend.

I'm really starting to get TICKED off by this one girl

Its taking a lot of effort in me not to swear. T-T

I feel so stressed about the rest of the school year. -__-"


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I feel real depressed. I pretty much have no friends, because I'm being replaced pretty much and ignored. I thought that I was their friend but I guess I'm back up. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. It's not just drama crap either, it's just for a long time I've been feeling really tired and stuff like that, like everything I do is pointless. My grades are getting low, and I have no where to turn.

All I do is play music, listen to music, eat, and sleep. Nothing is helping me and I feel really bad.

Sorry if I'm complaining alot but I have no where to go or anything, I just want to move somewhere or run away or something.

I am depressed right now. My friends are calling me a baby, foureyes, and brace face. I am so mad! And everyone is making fun of me! I am so sad!
I know how you feel,on my first day i had to wear glasses i was realy depresed that people were going to call me "four eyes" or something like that.....but they didn't....... :D .Anyway sometimes i am depressed for know aparent reason,my mum always tells me i'm just tired.Yeah right=].

I know how you feel,on my first day i had to wear glasses i was realy depresed that people were going to call me "four eyes" or something like that.....but they didn't....... :D .Anyway sometimes i am depressed for know aparent reason,my mum always tells me i'm just tired.Yeah right=].
Well being tired a lot or overtired can effect one's mood, especially when some folks are going through the puberty days. A diet can also effect someone's mood.

this may sound bad but ever since i was maybe 10 (im 15 now), ive thought about death.

ive been sent to a therapist 2 times..

ive thought about dieing a million times.

but then i get scared.

ive tried to cut myself but never till i actually bled thery are more like scratches.

i know i need help but i always thought itd be easier not to face the world. cause it seems soo hard! i just cant take it anymore.

probably dosent help to have my parents who yell at me if i spill a cup of water. or if i didnt do something right i get yelled that i never do anything right. my dad used to hit me ive never told anyone that before! please i do not want my dad to go to jail for somehting that he did. even though i know he would deserve it.

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