Debugging and Undo Debugging ...


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Jul 22, 2005
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:unsure: Ok, I've been reading the thread about debugging and here's my tip on it. Debugging works with the V2 Tamagotchis but not on the V3. If you Debug you're V3 you'll get problems like unable to enter passwords, your tamagotchi growing up way to fast and dying within a week or so, and other problems can occur. I've debugged my V2 and it worked fine. Now for those of you who want to undo the debugging ... many of you say it's not possible and once you debug it's debugged and irreversible. But actually you can easily undo the debug just as easy as it was to debug. All you do is get an eraser ... I suggest the white eraser not the pink kinds and gentle rub the debug area to remove the pencil marks. To check you got it all off ... rub the dirty eraser on the carpet to make it clean again and keep rubbing til the eraser has no more pencil marks on it. Takes about 8-10 swipes to rub it completely off. Afterwards just replace the battery put it back together and restart the Tamagotchi. It'll be good as new ! I just unbugged mine a few minutes ago and now it's back to normal. :D I'm gonna miss my Nyatchi but I'm done cheating. I'll raise one the way I should of normally. Hope this tip helps ... :hitodetchi:
OMG it worked sweeeet i have a tama thats like 3 rectangles standing up!

i think that you should really be careful with debugging since if your uncareful or you aren't nimble enough with handling the tech stuff it could really mess some stuff up

I agree with Tama_J. You must be careful, otherwise you may screw up your Tamagotchi.

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