debug modes


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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
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in a land, far, far away...
ok, i have had tamagotchis for 6 years now. and during that time, ive found many tricks,one of them being the debug mode. whats debug, you ask? well, it allows you to get any character your little hearts desire! here are the steps:

1. unscrew the back of your tama ( please note this may not work for tama-go).

2. unscrew the cover so the motherboard is visible.

3. find the metal space with "DEBUG" over it. shade it in with a #2 pencil.

4. screw everything into place. make sure its tight!

5.turn on your tama. right away you should notice the egg is twitching very fast.

6. press reset. after entering your name, the date, etc., the egg should hatch. DONT PRESS ANYTHING YET.

7. use the a button to select your tama of choice.

you're all done! if you'd like to take the tama off debug mode, you can erase the pencil with rubbing alcohol, then hit download when the egg appears. i do not advise you to play with the motherboard, as it could damage your tama.i hope this helps get your favorite tamagotchi! :p ;)

This did not work for me! I followed the instructions carefully but I got stuck on the last step. Pressing a button did not help me get the right character, only half-broke my V3.

i tried to debug my v4 (epic fail self lol)is there anything else that can erase the pencil?

I remember doing this with my V3 when it still worked. :D I just erased the pencil, no alcohol required.

I also don't think this'll work with a V5, will it? Because of the family set-up.

Uh... It's not the same for every tamagotchi version though. Isn't that just what it is for V2 and V3? A while ago I did it on my V4 and it wouldn't stop doing the superspeed thing...

Also, I think you can do it on V5 too but it's completely different. Is that right?

the V5 doesnt use a pencil with the V5 you need a soldering iron (and possibly just tape a wire to the 2 vital parts)

Would you personally buy tamas that have been debugged? =o How does it affect the tama? Just speeds things up?
well, it does speed things up, except on v4s its wont stop. debug allows you to also choose a charecter of choice when hatching a new tama.and no i wont buy a debugged tama from you -_-

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