Dear Diary


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Dec 18, 2006
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Dear Diary,

Hi everyone! :lol: My name is Pris and I am a Tamatchi. I'm barely a kid. My owner is I&lt;3Tama. (I &lt;3 her very much)SSHH, don't tell her I'm writing in this diary.Ok, well I really want to turn into a Leaftchi. Leaftchis are really cool and pretty ^_^ =) Yesterday I went to sleep at 8. I was very tired because I&lt;3Tama made me play games a lot. Oh I have two little bars of training.It's not a lot, but I'm proud ;) I can't wait until I turn into a teenager. I wonder what I'm going to be. I&lt;3Tama was very excited when she found out I was a girl yesterday when I hatched. I&lt;3Tama loves girls. She thinks boys are ok.I don't know what else to write in this pretty little diary.Ok, well I'm going to go now. If anything exciting happens I'll be sure to write it in my diary. Ok, bye! :)

Dear Diary,

Yes, it is me Pris again. :angry: Now I have 3 training bars. Right now I just ate sushi. It was good. :angry: I&lt;3Tama bought me a lot of stuff in one day. She bought me Rc Car2,make-up, a ball,Darts, a stuffed animal,honey,hair gel, cuckoo clock,costume, a cap, and an austrailia ticket, and some angel wings. Yay! I love all my stuff. :D I'm spoiled. Right now I only have 220 points. Oh well, time to go play some mre games. Ok, Ill right some more later. Bye! :angry:


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