Dead Tama?


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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
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I was just thinking about when your tama dies, it ays it returns to its home planet. I know the original 1997 tamas couldn't have multiple generations, so it would eventually die anyway, but you tryed to keep it alive as long as possible. But my question is, if it just returns to its home planet instead of dying, hypotheticly speaking, who takes care of it then? :blink: I know its a weird question but please post your theory here if youv'e read this.

If they die, they go no-where, period.

When they leave to go back to they're home planet they just go back to TamaTown, where they live. So basically they take care of theireselves.. Nothing really much to say.

Does that answer your question?

But if they can take care of them selves, then whydo you hav to take care of them on earth?

I'm pretty sure it just disappears and nobody takes care of it anymore. That was probably just a story to make them dying seem more interesting. :p

Given the target market of the Tamagotchi, I believe they didn't want to give a child the emotional stress of having a pet 'die' per se, so to be more demure and less harsh, they had the original tamas return to their home planet. The story goes like this: In the earlier versions Tama's came from another world where they were getting bored. So, they ventured here to Earth finding themselves companions to help them discover the planet and care for them. Like a student living abroad, one might say. Then, as the tama ages, as they all do, they must return home to tell of the journeys. Then, another comes to visit you as you push the reset button. In later editions, we found Angels, Water creatures, etc. But in the days of the now, Tamas have come to live in their own Town so they can live in harmony with us. We are their guardians, they entrust us with their lives, their children, and we are supposed to guide them until it's time to let them go and live out their lives. Which is why we still can visit Tama Parents and Grandparents. Just like with your REAL family... Tamas understand the importance of a close family. Don't neglect your real family. :D

Given the target market of the Tamagotchi, I believe they didn't want to give a child the emotional stress of having a pet 'die' per se, so to be more demure and less harsh, they had the original tamas return to their home planet. The story goes like this: In the earlier versions Tama's came from another world where they were getting bored. So, they ventured here to Earth finding themselves companions to help them discover the planet and care for them. Like a student living abroad, one might say. Then, as the tama ages, as they all do, they must return home to tell of the journeys. Then, another comes to visit you as you push the reset button. In later editions, we found Angels, Water creatures, etc. But in the days of the now, Tamas have come to live in their own Town so they can live in harmony with us. We are their guardians, they entrust us with their lives, their children, and we are supposed to guide them until it's time to let them go and live out their lives. Which is why we still can visit Tama Parents and Grandparents. Just like with your REAL family... Tamas understand the importance of a close family. Don't neglect your real family.


Ooh, thanks for writing all that! It all makes sense and stuff. :mellow:

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