Dazzmina's Tamagotchi Diary No.3


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Dec 13, 2009
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My old log was really failing, so I decided to create this new one. This is my third Tamagotchi Diary, with a revised set of log promises!

I will always post photos when necessary unless there is a good reason for not being able to

I will not neglect my Tamas

I will not pause my Tamas

I will update daily even if there is no news, unless there's some disaster/busy day/sneaking on at night (like now)

I will always take a post photos of Tamas getting happy symbols and getting married

So, I'm currently running my purple iD L and my pink and black iD L Princess Spacy ver. which I got in the mail today. Stats:


Character: Perotchi

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Happy Symbols: 3

Weight: 15g

Generation: 8th

Waiting for: Last happy symbol + unlocking Apple Icons and Patchi Falls

Current status: Sleeping

TaMaToMo stamps: 7 (soon to be 8, then I'll unlock stuff mentioned above)

Seeds: I think it's the orange star seed, due to grow tomorrow.

DANICA (iD L Princess Spacy ver.)

Character: Paletchi

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Happy symbols: 0

Weight: 5g

Generation: 1st

Waiting for: Evolution to teen

Current status: Sleeping

TaMaToMo stamps: 0

Seeds: Purple star seed, due to grow tomorrow.

I only got my Princess Spacy today so that's why it's not got particularly far yet.

OK, I have to go now, it's 24 minutes past midnight. :eek:

~ Dazzmina, Princess Perotchi and Danica ~

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Hiya! :) I can't post photos because I've got to go to school soon, but this morning, Princess Perotchi got her last happy symbol! We now have apple icons and Patchi Falls! Danica is due to evolve today at about 4:45 PM. :D

~ Dazzmina, Danica and Princess Perotchi ~

Thanks for being my first follower, kuchipatchi.is.blue55! :D

Today at the expected 4:45, Danica evolved into Painaputchi. I hope she becomes Lovelitchi/Lavulitchi/Lovelin as an adult.

Here are Princess Perotchi's awesome apple icons and her trip to the Patchi Falls!


Unfortunately, I only managed to get a photo of Danica sleeping, but here:


And here's my Princess Spacy, repackaged in its original box, which I kept. It is now on my Tamagotchi accessories shelf.


You may notice my photos are better quality than usual - I have started using my camera to take them instead of that low quality DSi camera. Sorry the photos are a bit big, I forgot to resize them this time! :(

I think Princess Perotchi will be getting married after school tomorrow to celebrate the beginning of... SPRING BREAK!! We're also going to Switzerland over spring break and I'm so excited! :D

~ Dazzmina, Princess Perotchi and Danica ~

Thank you for following tamagotchu, ApertureGotchi and tamalover134! And ApertureGotchi, thank you SO MUCH for not leaving! :D

A lot has happened. I stopped running my iD L, and Danica evolved into a super-cute Lovelin yesterday! She's adorable and has 3 happy symbols. We were lazy and beamed over a load of items from my iD L before pausing it, so she has a lot of favourite clothes for free. :) Here are photos of her getting her happy symbols:


I LOVE the small photos! And she does too, because look how happy she is here, lol!


How I wish I could have eaten that sundae that she enjoyed so much...I had chocolate mousse instead...


A very successful concert! :D


Some relaxation at home after all that happiness.

Don't you like the small photos? Hooray for Fotosizer! :)

Also, yesterday I got my Official Tamagotchi Care Guide And Record Book. It's quite good and I learned about some new characters!

~ Dazzmina and Danica ~

Thanks so much for all those five star ratings and four followers already! :D


I will just say that I am going to Switzerland tomorrow so may not update. My dad's iPad does TamaTalk, I am on it right now, but I probably won't have photos. Sorry, I'm not allowed to take my computer (too much luggage).


Meanwhile, Danica is still Lovelin and is doing very well. I think she is due to get her last happy symbol today, but she will definitely get married on the plane tomorrow, what better time for a needy baby stage?

EDIT: I edited it later on the computer so I could do colour and those things I enclose the sign-off in (not available on iPad).

~ Dazzmina and Danica ~

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Hi! I can't post photos because it's early morning the day we go to Switzerland, but as I said before, Danica has her last happy symbol so she will be getting married on the plane. I have also put the battery back in my Nano, which restarted, but it hatched a girl so I will just name her Tanpopo like my previous Nano and get her to evolve into Lovelin. *breath*

Sorry this was kind of short, but I really need to start packing and have breakfast and all!

~ Dazzmina, Danica and Tanpopo ~

OMG, five 5 star votes and seven followers already?! This log must be way better than my old one!


I decided not to get Danica married on the plane today, too busy reading, my book is really good. However, my Nano just evolved into a really adorable Chamametchi! I must have taken average or bad care of her, but it paid off. I think I'll simply rename her Chamame.


Sorry, but the iPad really doesn't allow colour and photos and stuff... :(

EDIT: I edited it to add colour :)

~ Dazzmina, Chamame and Danica ~

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Sorry, I had a super busy day today which consisted mainly of getting lost all over town and an all-day French lesson what with trying to read all the signs.


Danica has to get married today, she is six years old and still not married, but I will have to do it at night, no better time. I will update tomorrow about it. Also, we discovered that in place of Henshin Jo, Danica somehow already unlocked hers and Meloditchi's concert! She went to it, and at the end received...a pink Tama Profy?! When we used it, Mimitchi came and inserted a heart with a picture of her face into it. It then flashed purple and pink and Danica and Mimitchi appeared in a weird pink place! This, I think, was something to do with the shopping bag we got from the Eco guys in the park yesterday, which also takes 50 percent off all TamaDepa items. It's cool! Playing with the pink Tama Profy makes Danica really happy, and so do the bag, the concert and the TamaDepa discount!


Chamame is fine.

EDIT: I edited it to add colour :)

~ Dazzmina, Danica and Chamame ~

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Well, uhm...Danica didn't get married last night. Because I think it took...a year...to succeed in what I was trying to do forever. A lot of you who I bothered about it might remember.


So, since I'm kind of attached to Danica, I think I'll keep her and Chamame around as long as possible. If either evolves into an oldie, I'm not so sure, but I don't think the Nano evolves further than the adult stage and Danica can get married whenever I want.

EDIT: I edited it to add colour :)

~ Dazzmina, Chamame and Danica ~

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I finally decided to get Danica married last night, and although we were both sad, the baby Nittobotchi she had soon cheered us up. Danica asked me to name him Spacy. I have no idea what connecting to six different friends as a teen gives you on the Princess Spacy, but whatever it is, I'm going to get it by resetting my +C six times and connecting Spacy to it each time.


Anyway, Spacy is currently Furutsupatchi or whatever, I keep forgetting the name, and he got one or two care misses by accident. I don't really care what he evolves into because he'll probably end up as Hirotchi anyway.


Chamame is doing fine. I must admit, I'm getting super attached to her...


Tomorrow we leave Switzerland. Overall it was a good experience but we did go to rather many museums. I like the hot chocolate here though.

EDIT: I edited it to include colour :)

~ Dazzmina, Spacy and Chamame ~

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Hello from my dad's iPad at the airport! We're about to leave on our flight back to the UK so this must be short. Spacy is now Bokuhoshitchi and I fed him 20 snacks to get Kuchipatchi, and Chamame is okay.

EDIT: I edited it to add colour :)

~ Dazzmina, Chamame and Spacy ~

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That horrible having-to-use-the-iPad is finally over! I'm back to my computer at home! And guess what, I'm so happy to be back that I started up 2 more Tamas! :D

First off, this evening Spacy evolved into Kuchipatchi. If it sounds weird, Bokuhoshitchi evolving into Kuchipatchi, it's a cool trick on the Princess Spacy. Feed Bokuhoshitchi 20 snacks or more and he becomes Kuchipatchi! And don't worry, I played lots of games with him right after all those sweets yesterday!

Chamame is, well, fine as usual.

More important news: My brother is actually going to trade his blue iD L and blue V5, perfect condition, for a single blue V6! Here I come 25 Tamas! And this 25 will soon be 27, because I'm getting not one but hopefully two 15th Anniversary iD Ls for my birthday! I wanted one of each colour. I so hope I get both, but just one will be amazing! :D

Now introducing, Caitlin the Tamatchi on my orange and purple V6, and Vera the Young Mametchi on my pink and purple camoflauge V2! They are currently asleep since it's 11:13 PM. Photos tomorrow, but I am OK to do one of those much-missed Tama conversations.


Spacy: Calm down and have some of this candy!


Spacy: Go to sleep then! It's simple!


Chamame: Ugh, that's Long-Term-Pause Tramatisation. My medical book says, "a Tamagotchi V2 or V6 who is paused for a long time and is a toddler or teenage girl may get Long-Term-Pause Traumatisation. The symptoms of this disease are crying, screaming about how rubbish dolfinze.com is, and -



Chamame: - how rubbish the games on Dazzmina's dad's iPad are -

Caitlin: IPAD GAMES ARE RUBBISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chamame - and how much they totally utterly hate bright red frogs with purple eyes and blue teeth."



Everyone: HI!!!!

Dazzmina: Oh okay. I won't pause you, I just won't post your silly argument on my log.

~ Dazzmina, Spacy, Chamame, Caitlin and Vera ~

OK, I think four Tamas is too much, so I paused Chamame. I also edited the iPad post to include colour and font. :)

Now for the photos! Meet these guys...


Spacy the Kuchipatchi...huh...a Kuchipatchi named Spacy? Doesn't really fit, but oh well. He currently has 3 happy symbols and is due to get his last tomorrow evening. The orange and purple V6 houes Caitlin the Tamatchi, being a good girl and practicing her instrument. I hope she becomes Chamametchi and then Chantotchi.


Bit of a shame that Vera, an intelligent Young Mametchi, has to be stuck in my pink and purple camo V2! Still, she is talented a cartwheels. :D

Now, maybe they've calmed down now that Chamame is paused!

Hi! I am Spacy the Kuchipatchi!

I'm Caitlin! I'm Tamatchi and I love practicing my drums!

I'm Vera the super bored Young Mam -

*doorbell goes* Hey, that's my doorbell! *opens door* HEY! NAZOTCHI! YOU MEANIE, THAT POOP SMELLS DISGUSTING!

It's made you unhappy now...what game should we play?


Calm DOWN, Caitlin! (Sorry guys, I've got to go play with Caitlin. She really did get a poop in the mail and lose a happy heart)


~ Dazzmina, Caitlin, Vera and Spacy ~

Night-time update!

Well, I've heard of a lot of people who came on TT in the morning and found they had a karma point, but I didn't wait till morning. I thought there might be a reply to a topic I like, but I found something about a million times better! I'm so glad I gave TamaTalk both $10 and some good posts, because I love this place!! <3

Anyway, I decided to run my V4.5 instead of Vera the V2. I found a weird nut guy called Kenny on there, 9th generation or something. Also, Caitlin evolved into Chamametchi and got her band with Ichigotchi and Nonopotchi. I named them the NanoTamas, for the reason below.

I sent my mom my birthday wishlist and links to all the CD Japan pages where you order them. I also counted my savings, and got about $250!! The two Nanos I want from CD Japan are both about $12 each, so I'm buying them! The 15th anni. iD L's are reserved for my birthday though. :)

~ Dazzmina, Kenny, Caitlin and Spacy ~

There was a dramatic drop in my Tamas running overnight. Now I'm running...well, sorry but...one. My Princess Spacy. Oh well, let me just go start up Vera as well, whatever. *unpauses Vera*

I'm not getting used to that karma! It was easy to get hold of the fact I had the Lifetime Angelgotchi badge, but this...that karma bar of mine has been empty for years, and now I see a small green line there?

Anyway, last night I discovered an amazing method of cleaning the annoying permanent marker off Tamas: Toothbrush, wetted and covered in toothpaste. The upshot is that it removes anything from Tamas and makes them look brand new. The catch...your toothbrush gets covered in marker. But whatever, I'd rather have a horrible tasting toothbrush than ruined Tamas. :p

Spacy is due to get his last happy symbol today...and CD Japan has NO NANOS OR 15TH ANNIVERSARIES IN STOCK!!! :angry: So I'll have to do without the Nanos and just get one expensive 15th anni. off eBay...what else will I get for my birthday? I'll ask for Tama stuff only, and no money. I wonder what Tamas I might get...probably a Tama-Go in the wrong colour like the last time I asked for a Tama and didn't specify the exact version and design I wanted... *sigh*

~ Dazzmina, Vera and Spacy ~

Last night, Spacy got his last happy symbol and got married to Watawatchi, I think. He then came home with a colourful egg. I crossed my fingers for a girl, but instead out popped a Nittobotchi. I took good care of this needy baby, though, until he evolved into Furustpatchi. I asked him what I should call him, and he yelled "FRUITY!". So it looks like my 3rd generation on the Princess Spacy is going to be called Fruity. :p

Thanks to Violetchilluvr3, I will hopefully be ordering these two Nanos today:


I think those are both 4th wave. They are for sale on HobbyLink Japan. Do they accept PayPal for payment? If not, what do they accept? I'm not sure if my parents will be OK to pay not using PayPal...

Anyway, I'm also getting a pink (cheapest one) 15th Annivsersary off eBay for my birthday. :) I can't wait, although I probably won't run it, lol.

~ Dazzmina and Spacy ~

Fruity is fine, still Furustpatchi. He's SO spoiled though! I do usually buy a diary per generation for my Tamas, but he insisted on having TWO diaries AND a brand-new racing car! I told him that if I spent that much extra money I would have to feed him rice (free food) instead of cafe stuff for the rest of his life. He agreed. I think he'll regret that as an adult, LOL! (Adults on the iD L series hate the pre-installed food, they'll only eat the stuff you have to buy, but normal food still fills their hungry bowls)

My Nanos are ordered! We chose SAL shipping so they might take a while, but whatever. They are indeed Vivid Flower and Girly Music! :D

~ Dazzmina and Spacy ~


Fruity: STOP IT!

Oh ok. Kuchipatchi is cute. Whatever. I've learned that you get him through perfect care of Bokuhoshitchi. Well, I can probably just do some time cheat and get him married, right?

~ Dazzmina and Fruity ~

Hi guys, I've got to go for 3-5 days because of potential computer limits. Read my Departures topic when it comes up if you want the full story. ;)

I will still run my Princess Spacy, but of course I will only be able to do very short log updates. My V2, Vera, evolved into Ginjirotchi this morning.

Got to go - bye!

~ Dazzmina, Vera and Fruity ~

I'm only running one Tama now - my white V4. I found a baby girl called Danna, and she is now Mizutamatchi. I hope to start up more Tamas and order a new pair of V4s tomorrow. My current ones are really old. :(

~ Dazzmina and Danna ~
