He looked around the room and it looked really nice with a small futon that was also a fold out bed, a small tv, and a sizable window. Daniel was surprised at how nice the Tamas were here in Mame City. He still wanted to go back, but now he might have been thinking otherwise. Looking out the window he saw a huge apartment building. He thought he saw Mametchi in the window adjacent to him. They both made eye contact with each other. Mametchi quickly dialed a number on his Tama-Phone. Before Daniel could think a phone in the room started to ring. Without thinking Daniel picked it up, and said shyly "Hello?" Mametchi said very nicely "It's ok, my name is Mametchi. What's yours?" Daniel said a bit more confident "My name is Daniel. Do you know anything about what happened to me?"
Mametchi paused and then said, "It'd be nicer if you could come over here and talk. Then, I could explain all of this to you." Daniel agreed to going over to Mametchi's apartment. They started talking and then one line of speech made Daniel kinda scared, "Ok, I'm not sure if I'm able to get you back. I'm going to work on it." Daniel had mixed feelings about being in Mame City. There were nice people, but he was wondering about his parents. How worried they were about his disappearance! Daniel started to cry, and Mametchi tried to comfort him. "Daniel, it's going to be ok..." Daniel stopped crying as soon as he heard a knock on the door. Kutchipatchi was knocking, he yelled "Mametchi, Can you help me carry this food-tchi!? It's really heavy!"
Mametchi yelled, "Just come in Kutchipatchi!" Kutchipatchi entered the room and he said, "Hi human! I didn't get to know you well-tchi! I'm Kutchipatchi!"
Mametchi went into a back room to get an invention.