Dance Dance Revolution


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It comes with a mat, and there's a thingy where you can also shake the Wiimote and Nunchuck also. I turn it off, because it replaces a step with the shaking and I find it more fun xD

I luffle DDR =D

I only have Supernova and Extreme 2 though xP

I especially like those cute songs. My usual difficulty is Difficult/Standard. But on those extreme super crazy songs I can only go on Ligh/Basic =P

oh snap that one for Wii already came out? My bad lol. I like DDR. On the Mario Mix I can do...hard? Some songs I can do expert but I run out of breath and get a bad grade. lol

I don't see the point in DDR. Although it has a great soundtrack,gameplay gets repetitive. All you're doing is dancing when you could be playing a real game.

I don't really care a lot for DDR.. I played it at my friends house and it didn't seem too fun to me. I'm more of a Guitar Hero person XD

I actually have a youtube channel of me playing DDR. <.<

Well, so far anyways.

I have updated it because I hate the foam pads. Acrades=Win!

I don't mind the foam ones that you get for Wiis and that.
They're slippery and they miscount arrows. I mean, a song I can AA at the arcade only gets an A at home due to the pad misses.

What type of Dance Dance Revolution do you have? I have Dance Dance Revolution Supernova 1 for Playstation 2. Supernova is pretty cool in STELLAR MASTER MODE.

My Stats:

For beginner:Too easy

For basic:I'm pretty good at it

For difficult:Kind of good

For expert:Only a small bit

For challenge:Too hard


My pad has:

Select, Start, Up, Down, Left, Right, X, O, and hidden ∆ and  buttons(just like the controller but big with no red light or analog button and something more which I can't describe.

I'm sweet at it!!!! :D :p :ph34r:

This is off-topic which I should put in my signature but I like Kuchipatchis and Maskchis don't you?

What type of Dance Dance Revolution do you have? I have Dance Dance Revolution Supernova 1 for Playstation 2. Supernova is pretty cool in STELLAR MASTER MODE.
My Stats:

For beginner:Too easy

For basic:I'm pretty good at it

For difficult:Kind of good

For expert:Only a small bit

For challenge:Too hard


My pad has:

Select, Start, Up, Down, Left, Right, X, O, and hidden ∆ and  buttons(just like the controller but big with no red light or analog button and something more which I can't describe.

I'm sweet at it!!!! :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

This is off-topic which I should put in my signature but I like Kuchipatchis and Maskchis don't you?
I forgot to edit it but a cheap way to get a AAA is go to edit data, create a song, don't use the konami sample data and put in 1 note around the start, go to gzame mode, and try it. Try to get PERFECT or MARVELOUS on the note and wait through the rest of the song as you will have exactly 1 billion points(but if you get a great you don't get a AAA you get...well I forgot and you only get 5 million points) and then when the song is over after it says CLEARED and then on your side it should say AAA with white things circling around it(which means full combo) and it should say something different then normal:It could say:“Can I call you a dancin' master?!” or something different like that.


:lol: :ph34r: :lol: :ph34r: :lol: :ph34r:

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I'm hoping to get the Dance Dance revolution for the Wii for Christmas, it sounds really fun and I liked it when I played it in the arcade.

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