CuteCognizant's Tamagotchi Log


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May 3, 2009
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At 2:58 pm today I decided to dust off my Tamagotchi's and give it another try. It has been over two years since I took care of a Tama, but I had been itching to play with it since I saw some in the store a few days ago. I took out my old black and pink Tamagotchi Connection v3, put in a brand new battery, and hit reset. The cute little egg began pulsating just like I remembered and I became a little nostalgic.

Since then:

2:59pm hatched into a boy Teletchi. Named him Oscar. Fed 4 scones and played 1 game of Get. Full hearts.

3:10pm poopie and sickness.

3:15pm paused Oscar to go to the store. I remembered how demanding they were as babies and didn't want to walk into end caps or shopping carts while I tried to play games.

6:40pm unpaused Oscar. 4 hungry hearts but only 2 happy hearts. Played Get.

6:42pm Oscar goes to sleep. Turn lights out.

6:54pm Oscar wakes up, poops, and throws a hissy fit. I give him a time out and all is well. Full hearts.

7:03pm Oscar poops again! What a pooping machine. He had 2 hungry hearts and 2 happy hearts. Gave 2 scones and played a game of get. Full hearts again!

7:14pm Evolved into a Mizutamatchi. 2 hungry hearts. Gave 2 scones. Full hearts.

7:59pm - Oscar goes to sleep. Lights out.

I still have my green snakeskin Tamagotchi Connection v3 and another battery, but I have not yet decided if I should start a second one. I suppose I will make a decision regarding that over the next few days.

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So it turns out I made a slight error with my Tama. I confused when to praise and when to give it time out, and therefore spent the first half of the day doing them backwards. I am pretty sure this is going to have a rather negative affect on the next transformation.

Today’s schedule went as follows:

8:13am - Paused Oscar. Rolled over and went back to sleep.

10:30am - Unpaused Oscar. He only had 2 hungry hearts and 3 happy hearts full. Fed 2 scones. Tried to play game but he refused. Fed 2 snacks. Full hearts.

11:23am - Cleaned some poopie and gave him a scone.

12:18pm - Decided to check on Oscar. He only had 3 hungry and 3 happy hearts filled so I gave him a scone and played a game of Get.

1:00pm - I decided to drive over to the library and to bring the Tamagotchi with me. I put him snugly into my purse and left.

1:04pm - I stopped at a red light and decided to check on Oscar. He had poopied so I cleaned it up and gave him a scone. The light turned green and the cars behind me honked because I did not start moving fast enough for them.

1:19pm - After leaving the library I checked on Oscar again. He only had 3 happy hearts so I played a game of Get while still in the parking lot. Full hearts again! I went home.

1:51pm - Oscar only had 3 hungry hearts full so I gave him a scone. Full hearts!

2:51pm - Cleaned poopie and fed scone.

3:00pm - Paused Tama so I could get ready for class. After much deliberation I chose to leave it at home so as not to risk the professor getting angry while she was lecturing.

7:24pm - Unpaused the Tama when I got home. Oscar only had 3 happy hearts so I played a game of Get with him. Full hearts again! I tried playing Bump, but I am apparently terrible at it.

8:04pm - Noticed Oscar had fallen asleep. Unfortunately he only had 3 hungry hearts full. Lights out.

I have decided to run only the one Tama for now. With work and school two is too much. I also don’t want to run two v3 at the same time. I am thinking if I decide to run a second one in the future I will purchase a different version.

Current Stats:

Training: 0

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 10 lbs

Gender: boy

Generation: 1G

I would like to start off today’s entry by letting everyone know that I won a Tamagotchi Connection v4.5 Asian Invasion on eBay. I am so excited. I can’t wait for it to arrive! I suppose I will have to find a way to distinguish between the v3 and the v4.5 in the log. I also hope that running two at one time will not be too much for me to handle.

7:40am - Oscar was still asleep, but I paused the Tama anyway so that I could go to work.

12:30pm - Unpaused the Tama. Gave Oscar a scone.

12:35pm - Heard the happy sounds announcing the Tama was changing. Oscar became a Patapatachi. He also called for attention even though he had full hearts. I gave him a time out. He stopped calling for attention, but he still has 0 training points. Does anyone know why this is? Was I supposed to praise him? It doesn’t seem right that I would have to praise him for asking for attention when he doesn’t require any.

1:30pm - Paused the Tama again. Lunch hour was over.

5:05pm - I unpaused the Tama when I left work. I probably should have waited until I was home, but I was impatient.

5:24pm - Oscar poopied and had only 3 happy and 3 hungry hearts. I gave him a scone and an ice cream cone. Since I was still driving I felt playing a game would have been a little too dangerous.

6:26pm - I decided to check on Oscar and discovered he only had 3 hungry and 3 happy hearts filled. I gave him a scone and played a game. Full hearts!

8:00pm - Oscar goes to sleep. Lights out!

Current Stats:

Training: 0

Age: 1 yrs

Weight: 22 lbs

Gender: boy

Generation: 1G

For future reference, I have decided to color code the Tama’s for when I am playing more than one at a time. The color codes are as follows:

v3 Black and Pink

v3 Green Snakeskin

v4.5 Asian Invasion

CuteCognizant discussing the Tama’s in general.

8:26am - Checked the Tama. Oscar was still asleep.

9:38am - Oscar had woken up. Paused the Tama so I could go back to sleep.

10:35am - Unpaused Oscar. Only 3 hungry and 3 happy hearts full. Decided to vary it a little so I fed him a sushi and played Flag. Made it through 9 rounds. Full hearts!

11:35am - Noticed Oscar had poopied and that he only had 3 hungry and 3 happy hearts full. Cleaned poopie. Fed a scone. Tried playing Get but he refused. Fed pudding instead. Full hearts!

12:29pm - Oscar called for attention. He had his back to me. I praised him and he received his first training point. About time!

12:55pm - Checked on Oscar. 3 hungry hearts and 4 happy hearts. Gave him a scone. Full once again.

1:42pm - Oscar only had 3 happy hearts. Played a game of Flag. Made it to round 7.

2:00pm - Cleaned up poopie and fed a scone.

At this point I went to the store and then came home with a terrible headache. I periodically checked on Oscar, cleaning poopie, feeding him, and playing games, but I did not log the exact time each thing occurred.


Current Stats:

Training: 2

Age: 2 yrs

Weight: 24 lbs

Gender: boy

Generation: 1G

Below is a graph I will build on to each time a Tama changes:

G1: Teletchi (boy) --> Mizutamatchi --> Patapatachi -->

I decided to leave the Tama unpaused and in my pocket while I was in work. Unfortunately this meant I was unable to keep a detailed log. I cleaned the poopie, gave him food, gave him snacks, played a few games, and finally managed to get the training right.

I will most likely do the same tomorrow. I would prefer not to pause him if I can handle it.

Current Stats:

Training: 5

Age: 3 yrs

Weight: 28 lbs

Gender: boy

Generation: 1G

Below is a graph I will build on to each time a Tama changes:

G1: Teletchi (boy) --> Mizutamatchi --> Patapatachi -->

May 8, 2009

I did not take any notes on May 8. I was in work from 8am-5pm and then did yard work from 6pm-8pm. The tama was unpaused the whole time and I took care of his needs, but was unable to document them.

I was so tired by the time I went to bed I didn't even check his stats.

Below is a graph I will build on to each time a Tama changes:

G1: Teletchi (boy) -> Mizutamatchi -> Patapatachi ->

May 9, 2009

I have changed the layout of my log once again. I am too lazy to keep changing colors so I will just note which Tama I am talking about. I have also removed the growth graph from the bottom of each post. It can now be found on my website.

The v4.5 I won on eBay has been shipped but has not yet arrived. Once I receive it I will begin documenting a second Tama. I spent the entire day debating whether or not I should start my v3 Green Snakeskin Tama. Now that Oscar the Pyonkotchi is an adult I have more free time on my hands and wouldn’t mind hatching a second Tama. The problem is that once the v4.5 arrives I know I want to hatch that one and caring for three will just be too much.

I am becoming a little lax in my care of Oscar now that he is an adult. I don’t check him every 30 minutes like I had been. Pretty much just once every hour or two, especially since it seems he doesn’t require nearly as much attention anymore.

9:00am - Oscar awoke and turned into a Pyonkotchi.

10:20am - Cleaned poopie and fed a scone.

12:00pm - Fed Scone and Cone.

1:33pm - Oscar had gone poopie and only had 3 hungry hearts filled so I cleaned the mess and fed him a scone.

2:45pm - He only had 3 happy hearts full so I played a game of Get.

3:25pm - Noticed Oscar the Pyonkotchi only had 3 hungry hearts filled. I decided to mix it up a little and gave him some bread.

3:33pm - I picked the Tama up for no real reason, but once I looked at the screen I was really glad I had. Oscar was bobbing around singing a song for me. There was even a cute music note in the top right corner. I kinda wish I could hear what he was singing.

4:00pm-6:00pm - I went shopping and then decided to do some yard work. I took Oscar with me. During this time he went poopie once and needed to be fed once.

6:31pm - Fed scone.

7:40pm - Decided to check on Oscar the Pyonkotchi one last time before bed. He was brushing his teeth and it was absolutely adorable! I took some pictures but I am afraid they did not come out so good (But if you REALLY want to see them they can be found on my website).

8:03pm - I was going to turn the lights out and noticed that Oscar had not gone to sleep. He had poopied though, so I cleaned his mess and fed him some sushi. Full hearts!

8:30pm - I left my house to go to the movies with my boyfriend and felt no need to leave Oscar home on pause. The movie would not be starting until 10pm and I was certain he would be asleep by 9pm.

9:00pm - As expected, Oscar fell asleep. Lights out!

Current Stats:

Training: 7

Age: 4 yrs

Weight: 32 lbs

Gender: boy

Generation: 1G

May 10, 2009

I was a rather bad Tama Mama today. For starters, I slept until noon but didn’t pause Oscar. By the time I awoke he was very unhappy and very hungry. I filled him up with scones and played a few games of Get.

Seeing as how I am not in work or school today I would normally begin making my detailed log at this point, but I did not. I am having a terrible allergy attack. I can only breath if my mouth is open and my eyes won’t stop tearing. I spent most of the day laying in bed listening to the television because I couldn’t even look at it. I did not pause Oscar the Pyonkotchi even though I was feeling pretty under the weather. I lay with him and played with him periodically though not as much as I would have liked. I am hoping that he can forgive me.

After posting the first half of this log I decided to start the v3 Green Snake Tama anyway. I was feeling so terrible that I wanted more Tama friends to make me feel better. Having more than one v3 Tama may get confusing, but I will try my best to make it as little confusing as possible. First off, I decided that for the v3 Green Snake Tama I will not be accepting the matchmaker when she eventually arrives. Instead, my goal with this second Tama will be to see how old I can get him before he leaves to return to the Tama home in the sky.

The green snake Tama hatched into a Teletchi (boy). I named him Toby. I thought Toby the Teletchi had a nice ring to it. He was just as demanding as Oscar had been when he was first hatched way back on May 3, 2009, and it made me very happy. With Oscar not needing as much attention as he had needed when he was younger I was thrilled to finally have a Tama who needed my constant care once again. Toby the Teletchi eventually changed into Toby the Tamatchi. I am sure you can imagine how excited I was at this. Toby the Tamatchi also had a nice ring to it!

My v4.5 still hasn’t arrived. I am growing more anxious every day and am beginning to fear I may just buy the first Tama I see in a store if my new one doesn’t arrive soon.

Current Stats:

v3 Black & Pink

Training: 7

Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 34 lbs

Gender: boy

Generation: 1G

Current Stats:

v3 Green Snake

Training: 0

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 13 lbs

Gender: boy

Generation: 1G

May 11, 2009

I sleep with my Tamagotchi on my bed beside my pillow. This way if I sleep late and they require my attention I will hear them beep. There is nothing like the sound of a Tama calling for attention at eight in the morning. Well a little after 8am this morning Toby the Tamatchi did call for attention, but I was so tired. I paused both Tamas and went back to sleep. A little after 9am one of my dogs woke me up (I have two). So I let her in the yard and unpaused both Tamas. Oscar the Pyonkotchi was perfectly fine with full hearts. Toby the Tamatchi had full hearts as well, but he was asking for attention! I put him in time out and he received his first training point. It seems I finally got this training stuff down now.

A little after 11am I picked up Toby the Tamatchi with the intention of checking his hearts and noticed he was rolling across the bottom of the screen like a little ball. It was so adorable that I couldn’t bring myself to disturb him and in the end did not check his hearts until he was done. Luckily they were all still full.

A little before 4pm I decided to go to the mall. On the way out of the house I stopped to check the mail and there was my new v4.5! I was so excited I ripped the bubble envelope it was packed in open as I walked to the car. I haven’t actually opened the Tama yet and I probably won’t until one of the v3 passes away or the battery dies. I just can’t see myself taking care of 3 Tamas at one time right now. So, after all the anticipation and complaining I am not even opening the v4.5 yet.

On my way home from the mall, at 6:17pm, Toby the Tamatchi changed into Toby the Young Mametchi. The Young Mametchi is terribly cute, definitely cuter than Oscar the Patapatachi had been at this stage. I do fear him turning into a Mametchi though because I find Mametchi to be quite ugly.

On a totally unrelated note, I decided that I want to try and get one of every version of Tamagotchi starting from v3. Why starting from v3 you may ask? Well, in 2006 when the v3 came out was when I started getting into Tamas for the second time. (The late 1990’s was the first time and 2009 is currently the third.) But, unlike the Tama I owned in 1997-1998, I kept my v3. I already have two v3 and a v4.5, so I need to acquire a v4, v5, and v6, all of which are terribly expensive on eBay. As much as I enjoy playing with my Tamagotchi, I just can’t see myself spending $29.95 + $8.00 S&H for a v4.

For anyone wondering, I am still having my allergy attack and the Zyrtec just isn’t working. I am still congested and my eyes are still tearing. So, I will probably go to sleep at 9pm with Oscar the Pyonkotchi.

I work tomorrow from 8am-5pm, so unless something exceptional happens with the Tamas I probably won’t make another entry until Wednesday night.

Tamagotchi Pictures

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May 12, 2009

So much for not posting a log today. *Sigh* When I went to bed last night I really had no intention of posting an entry today, but then quite a few things happened today and I realized that I just *had* to post an entry… so here it is.

First of all, I worked today, but luckily the schedule I have in work enables me to take care of my Tamas. Work starts at 8am, the time *most* Tamagotchi wake up, so I have the clock set three minutes fast. I fill up the Tamas hearts and then go in to work. I take a break from 10:00am to 10:10am, at which time I feed and play with the Tamas. From 12:30pm to 1:30pm I have lunch. You guessed it, the Tamas eat with me. From 3:30pm-3:40pm I have another break. Then I leave at 5:00pm, checking the Tamas before I drive away. So the Tamas are never left for more than 2 ½ hours, meaning they do not have to be paused because they don’t run out of hearts. I just have to make sure I remember to turn the sound off.

Well, when I took my 3:30pm break I saw that the matchmaker had come to Oscar the Pyonkotchi! Oscar is only 7 years old. I was in complete and utter shock. I stared at the screen for a full minute. Now, I may be wrong, but I remember that way back in the day Tamas usually passed away around 20 years old. I was expecting to have Oscar for about two weeks before I had to say goodbye. I supposed I could have told the matchmaker no, but I couldn’t remember whether or not she would come back again, and I couldn’t look it up online because I was in work. So I said yes. Oscar is currently sleeping with his cute little baby Teletchi girl.

After work I went out to dinner. I, of course, took the Tamas with me. Before eating I made sure to feed and play with the Tamas so their hearts would be full. I put them down and ordered and ate. Then I heard the familiar attention sound when someone goes to sleep. Toby the Young Mametchi had gone to sleep and he only had 3 happy hearts filled! How did this happen? I had checked him and played with him less then 15 minutes earlier and he was full. I was so unbelievably angry. That is the first time either of them has gone to bed without full hearts and I am not happy about it.

I placed two bids on eBay today. One on a v4 Tamagotchi Connection and one on an Original Japanese version Tamagotchi from 1997 that is still sealed. I don’t know if I will win either of them, but both auctions end tomorrow so I can give an update on that the next time I post an entry.

I took a terribly cute picture of Oscar the Pyonkotchi today. I figured it might be my last chance seeing as how he will be leaving soon. I will definitely miss him. He was the first Tama I hatched in over two years.

So I am off to upload the picture to my website.

Til later…

I seriously debated whether or not I should post a log today. Nothing terribly exciting has happened with my Tamas. Oscar the Pyonkotchi is still a Pyonkotchi and he is still watching over his little baby girl Teletchi. Toby the Young Mametchi is still a Young Mametchi. I anticipate that Oscar will leave some time during the night and that Toby will change some time tomorrow.

Unfortunately I lost the auction for the Original Japanese Tamagotchi from 1997. Someone swooped in and outbid me during the final seconds of the auction, but isn’t that how it always is? I did somehow manage to win a Tamagotchi Connection v4 Orange Circles and a Tamagotchi Connection v5 Movie Night.

I am beginning to fear I may be a shop-a-holic when it comes to Tamas.

I am unsure whether or not I will open the new Tamas as soon as they arrive or put them aside with the v4.5. It depends how much time I have and how many Tamas I think I can handle at once.

I suppose that is all for now. Hopefully tomorrow will bring more and better Tama news.

May 15, 2009

I realize some people probably think I am crazy. I am 26 years old and I am playing with Tamagotchi even though they were the in thing over ten years ago. But, I can’t help it. When I see the little egg on the screen I become so wistful and nostalgic, I am instantly transported back to my childhood, and trust me, sometimes that is exactly what someone needs to get through the day.

When Tamagotchi first came out 12 years ago I was only 14 years old. I was in eighth grade and the most difficult and stressful thing in my life was worrying about how many people I would have to fight at once in order to get my black belt in karate (it turned out to be 4 on 1). But now I have to worry about things like my career, my grades in graduate school, the future, my father’s cancer, etc. Playing the Tamagotchi helps to take that away for awhile, even if it is just a few minutes each day, because like I said earlier, when I have the Tama in my hand I am transported back to 1997.

And on that note, I will now get on with the actual Tamagotchi Log.

Oscar the Pyonkotchi left me at 12:00am Thursday morning. I stayed up late to say goodbye and took some pictures to document the event. For anyone interested the pictures can be found on the Tamagotchi Pictures section of my web page.

At 8am the same day the baby girl Teletchi awoke. Apparently I was still half asleep as well because I named her right then and there, forgetting how demanding Tamas are in the baby stage, and thus dooming myself to a morning of misery. I was in work and had to keep pausing the poor thing. What should have been one hour turned into two and a half. But then, shortly after 10:30 in the morning Holly the Teletchi changed into Holly the Mizutamatchi.

Unfortunately my assumption regarding Toby the Young Mametchi was incorrect. He did not change on Thursday. I waited with baited breath all day, checking him whenever possible, but it was just not his time I guess.

But, on Friday, both Tamas changed. Just after 10am Holly the Mizutamatchi became Holly the Hikotchi… who just pooped. I must have spaced for awhile because she only had 2 hungry hearts and 3 happy hearts filled. All fixed now.

Then slightly before 12pm Toby the Young Mametchi became Toby the Tsunotchi. At first I thought he was very ugly, but he is beginning to grow on me. Now I think he is cute in an ugly sort of way. Sort of like when something is so terrible you don’t want to look at it but can’t help looking at it. Like when they do surgery on the discovery channel. Completely gross but at the same time fascinating.

I suppose that is all for now.

Till next time…

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After much debating I have decided to only post logs on my personal web page. There is no need to leave a log on multiple places across the internet, especially when I have been neglecting this one so very much. I am not leaving the board, I am just not going to be updating this specific log any more.
