...:::Courtnee's Tamagotchi Log:::...


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Pikachu Lover

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2008
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I have another Tamagotchi Log, but I'm not so sure alot of people actually read it, so I decided to make one here. Since my camera broke I don't have pictures on my other log to I obviously won't have pictures here (especially since you can't post pictures).

I'll probably update my other blog more than this one. If you'd like the link to my other blog, the link is in my siggy =)

Anyways, right now I'm currently running 1 V2, 1 V5, and 2 V4's. I'm also running a Pocket Pikachu 2 but I won't update about him here, the link to his blog is in my siggy. =)

Anyways I just started my V4's yesterday so obviously, they're on the 1st generation.. They're still 0 and haven't evolved yet. They're each a boy and a girl. The girl is named Carly and the boy is named Sam. I'm trying to get Mametchi and Mimitchi so they can get married. But when I play games, the only points that go up are the flower points, so that might not happen =( They don't get the point games until they're teenagers. Carly is a Punchitchi and Sam is a Mohitamatchi.

My V2 is 3 and should evolve tomorrow. Her name is Pearl and she's a Puroperatchi. She's the 4th generation. Her great grandad is Sora, her grandma is Bliss, and her mom is Lynn. She should hopefully evolve tomorrow. Hope she does =)

My V5 is on the 1st generation. The past family died when I was trying to get the Small Family =( But now I'm trying to get the Violet Family. My family is all adults. There are 2 sons and a daughter. The oldest son and daughter are Furikotchi and Violetchi, and the youngest son is Mumutchi. There bonding is only at 60%. I've been lazy about it. I think either tomorrow or the next day Violetchi should be able to get married. I'll get their bonding up to 100% tomorrow =)

Well Pearl, Carly, and Sam all evolved today! Looks like the Tama-Zone V2 growth chart is wrong. Pearl evolved into a Kabutchi, and it looks like you have to get a Young Mimitchi to get a Kabutchi but I didn't. I got the most unhealthy teen character. But anyways, Pearl sure is a cute character! =D

Carly evolved into an adorable Ringotchi! And yay! She can still have a chance to become Mimitchi! Which she will be! Sadly Sam can't become a Mametchi D= I'm just going to see what he becomes. Carly and Sam are still going to get married =) Sam evolved into a Hinotamatchi.

Tama Family should be able to watch the dating channel tomorrow, which means I'll get the Violet Family for the first time ever tomorrow! Yay! =D

Well my Violetchi got married to a Sukatchi so I have the Violet Family! =D In a couple days Violetchi should be able to get married.

I think Carly and Sam should evolve into adults either tonight or tomorrow. And Pearl should get the matchmaker within the next 2 days.

Carly and Sam evolved into adults today! Carly, is obviously, a Mimitchi! Sam is a Simasimatchi! Those 2 look cute together! And they're in love! They should get married either tomorrow or within the next 3 days! =) Pearl should get the matchmaker either today or tomorrow. Plus Violetchi should be able to watch the dating channel tomorrow. =)
