I've eard that the V4 will be able to connect with the X-box 360 or any other game system, that you could talk to your Tamagotchi through a microphone and tell them what to do, that the Tamagotchi will be able to connect with four or more Tamagotchies at the exact same time,that the version 4 will have 10 new games added on to the ones we had for V2 and V3, that you could combine food.(eg. chocolate + milk = chocolate milk) I heard this all from "Tamagotchi Online" the Tamagotchi Fan site I belong to. My opinion on each these estimations is, for the X-box system I highly doubt that because in the past versions (V1, V2 and V3, that's the ones that I have) they haven't said anything about it connecting to a video game system and to all the Tamagotchi sites I've been to, not in a million years have the said that the V4 could connect to a video game system either. I really believe that this is possible because I've heard on movies and television shows, that it is possible to create microchip things to fit into small objects. An obvious example is a virtual pet. I absolutely believe that is possible if Bandi could make the infa red connection system as a more powerful function somehow. I think this could definitely be possible but I don't knnow what Bandai would do in order to make it possible (that's all involved of how they would construct the V4 though I think) I think this would becertain if they gave us more food choices in the "Meal" catagory and the "Snack" catagory and maybe even bring back the "Treat" catagory (that they invented for V2) and then give us a "Mix Together" Icon in the list of icons for the new V4 Tamagotchi Connection. What do you guys think about what I posted do you think this all possible or even true I really like to here your opinions please, thanks.