Cool Story, Bro


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
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Soo...if you don't get the title name, I'ma slap you all. Haha JP. But seriously :|

ANYWAYS. This is my new Tama log/Virtual pet log. It will be filled with wonderful images and wonderful details about the Tamagotchis I own. I won't be getting a new Tamagotchi till maybe November, late October, but I'm PRETTY SURE none of you know who I am and/or read my old logs. :)

Anyways. Please enjoy my log because it will be one of the best.

After taking a refreshing nap to rest my tired eyes from swimming today, I decided to start up my Morino. Now its 9:30 and You can not believe what happened!

So I put my cute little small round batteries into the back and after about a minute or whatever he hatches. Mt cute little leaf Morino is a cute little grub and then BAM! He's freaking sleeping-_-. dang. Maybe I should of started it up earlier? Now i have nothing to show you guys :( I'm so disappointed. Sorry dudes! But you just gotta wait a several hours! :p



x_x Sucks dang it. WAKE UP PAUL. Lol I named him Paul. My pictures are uneven too o:

dang. I gotta learn how to make them even. Height wise.

Hope you guys enjoyed this uneventful post!

Yo yo yo was sup!


My cute little Paul evolved into the white little inchworm guy and he's happily crawling around on my screen :)

I saved him from being crushed by a foot twice yesterday, but I didn't have enough time to take a picture! Who wants to watch

a little worm almost get stepped on anyways?


I also put fresh new batteries in my ID L and downloaded it. A cute little Rolutchi. I decided, "hey why not plant a cute little star seed?" so that's what we did! I forgot what they give you. I think they give you items to earn happy symbols? Yep yep. That's it. I'm trying to take horrible care of her too. I really want Uwasatchi!


And just for they hey of it, I took three pictures of my Tamagotchi Game Boy tamas. Two of them are teens and are that little nut looking thing and one toddler that looks like them, but a younger version -_-

Sorry for the no updates. School got me tied down. I got who I wanted at least! Uwasatchi~ :D

My morino is in the Cocoon stage right now, hopefully I'll get a new character :) I've only run him once and got that blind beetle guy! Im hoping I'll get something different!

Wish me luck guys^^

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