Choco's Tama blog!


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
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[SIZE=11pt]Hai there! I just started up my v4 and v4.5! Here I shall blog their life and what not.[/SIZE]


Im sorry but Im starting off as toddlers P:




Her name is Lani and is a Mizutamatchi'

She currently weighs 13 pounds and loves to go

to preschool.



She is also a girl named Nami.

She is a Hitodetchi and loves to play games

she weighs 13 pounds too.

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Lani has been keeping her weight just right and so has Nami. Playing games keeps them in shape and keeps them happy. They're going to be teenagers around 3. To bad I wont be here to tell you guys :c

Nope never mind! They just evolved into teens!!! YAY


A young Memetichi



They're sooo cute. I hope Lani turns into a Memetchi

o: Lani and Nami are asleep T__T It sso hard to keep their weight the right weight. lol

I cant wait when they get jobs and have kids of their own!

Woot 155 views <33 I want this log to become one of kind~

Lani and Nami are still sleeping = w = They should be awake in about 15 minutes though!

Im so excited that they're gonna be adults today!

Lani ~Snoring~

Nami ~ Tossing and turning~

Yay they woke up! Well I never gave you guys their status!

They also just got the little star mail.


Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy : ♥♥♥♥

Training: ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘

weight: 25lb

Age: 2 (Will be 3 today though)


Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy : ♥♥♥♥

Training: ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘

Weight: 23lbs

Age: 2 (will be 3 today

Woot Lani and Nami's training bar

is now fully filled ^o^ Also Lani lost 3 pounds.

shes 23lbs now. She went from 26lbs to 23lbs.

Nami is the same weight o-o

D: I bought a lamp from the shop and a rain cloud appeared over Lani's head :D She lost all of her happy hearts ;)

Nami bought cd1 from the shop =D

OMG! Finally!!

Lani evolved into a horoyotchi.

and Nami evolved into a Ponytchi!

On this character chart it says that only boys can be horoyotchi. But Lani is a girl >C

I cant wait for the job letters! I just played tug of war with Nami since she was over weight

Im playing mimic with Lani right now ^o^ They said hi!!

Well I listened to what Nami and Lani said and they want some stuff

to say in this blog too. So Nami will be in Blue and Lani in Pink

So they both just graduated from the Dictionary Turtle Teacher.

Lani's job letter came first. She was so excited to be working at a T.V station~

Lani: WHAT?! What do you mean I dont have the "skill" to work here?! I've been pre-paring

and practicing for this job since I was 1!!

Lani mad as ever, so much that you can steam steaming out of her ears. went to the bank and strangely got a job there.

Lani: Here you Kutchipatchi, ~hands him 500yen~ spend it wisely!

Next Nami's letter came.

Nami: I know where i wanna work! THE HOSTPITAL!~

~Walks into the nurse area~ I would like to apply for a nurses job!

Nurse: Why certainly

Nami: Thank you so very much.


Nami: WOW I got accepted?

Nurse: Yep. You can start right away!

And there you have it! At least Nami got her dream job xD

Lani: Oh shut up!


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Knock Knock

Matchmaker: Why hello, dearie, I brought you a nice young man~

Lani: He is very adorable? Lets make babies ;D

minotichi: Gah~ fine > 3 >

Lani: YAY~

15 seconds later a baby boy is on the screen.

Lani: AWWW Ima name you Skylr~

Matchmaker walks over to Nami~

Matchmaker: Hmmm you need a urakutchipatchi as your lover ~Pushes uraKutchi infront of Nami~

Nami: Mmm hes hot O: BABY TIME~

2 seconds later~

Nami: Ahhh its a little baby girl. Lets name her...Siera ~

Siera: ~throws up~


Well I cant believe its already July 1st! As you can see Nami and lani just had their babies!

I cant wait for the two babies to mate xD

I took out the batteries of the v4 and v4.5. Im getting a Jap. Angel tama so I'll just talk about it on here ^__^

Blarg! I guess for a week I'll start up a v5 =D since I havnt played with one in ages.

~starting it up now~

So im just starting up the time....

Several Beeps later.....

Three cute little eggs pop up on the screen.

wiggle wiggle wiggle POP. A egg is hatched its a girl Omutu-tchi.

wiggle wiggle wiggle POP. A egg is hatched its a girl Futaba-tchi.

wiggle wiggle wiggl POP. A egg is hatched its a boy Mimifuwa-tchi.

My family name is Fura.

So far everything is at 0. even the hunger and happy bar D:

Omutu-tchi will be named Rain.

Futaba-tchi will be name fruit

Mimifuwa-tchi will be named Royal

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I know I just did a post like 10 minutes ago but I have to update their status

Hunger:(♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥)

Happy: (♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥)

Bonds: 0%

Blended Family



Ack D: They just got sick ~quickly gives them medicine~

Rain: ~cough~ Thanks...

Last night they evolved into toddlers! yay =D

Rain is a bell-tchi

Fruit is a Mattari-tchi

Royal is a Sakura-Motchi.

Im so happy that they evolved =D I finally one t.v surfing xD It wasnt that hard

once you learn what tama comes after the other.

Rain: Tamatown now.

Fruit: Dont be so demandy....

Royal: Oh be quiet Friut just this morning you demanded orange juice. :)

Ack~ I forgot to sayyy HAPPY 4th OF JULY~ All those in different countries

I hope you just have a good day today. Im not sure if you guys have a holiday like

America does but im sure you have something xD Maybe not today but some other day.

I just know it >C

Man this sucks. I just missed the first activite thingy on my tamagotchi where they have a musical note above their head and increases bond points by 40. Well I wake up and see it but then my cousin calls me so I forget to do it

T__T im so angry >C

OMG! I totally had to put my tamas on pause xD Our 4th of July Party got so outrageos o-o OMG I got to kiss the guy I liked <33 Omg I want him to come over right now xD Sorry for venting in a tamagotchi blog! lol. Well I will update later today I guess :3

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