ChocolateSmoothie's Tamagotchi Log


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Oct 9, 2009
Reaction score
Hiya! I'm ChocolateSmoothie and this is my Tamagotchi log. I have the following Tamas.



Groovy Time V5

Cotton Candy V5

Sing a Song V5

Chocolate Argyle V4.5

Glam Rock Music Star



Red-white-and-blue V4


On that V4 is a Young Kuchipatchi named Cosmo. I'm aiming for Minotchi, the caterpillar character. Cosmo is 26lb, 1yr, and his skill points are 12-12-9. He turned into a teen last night so he'll be an adult tomorrow night. Hopefully I get my Minotchi and not a universal character. And if I'm not too active on this log, it's because I'm grounded for getting a bad grade on a science project. I'm grounded until November 1st and I'm kind of sneaking onto the computer. I know, sneaky me.


:p ChocolateSmoothie :D

Back again! I made a Blogagotchi which you can see here. It will be updated constantly so feel free to just stop by!


I'm restarting my V4.5 because Cosmo's lonely. I set the time, date, my birthday and user name. The egg hatches and is a baby girl! I name her Nikki [have you read **Rainbow**'s log? Her Tama has a friend named Nikki and I like that name]. I'll reply later.


:p ChocolateSmoothie :D

Well I realized that it's hard to take care of more than one Tamagotchi at once so byebye Nikki. Maybe I'll start my Music Star?


Edit: I am going to restart the MS. More on that in the next post!


:D ChocolateSmoothie :D

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