Long story.
I was always a little flirt xD
I remember in Playgroup/Nursery [English version of Kindergarten] I had a boyfriend who was this cute chubby little guy called Darcey Rainbow. Purely because of his surname. It was incredibly epic, actually. I wanted to be Esther Rainbow! That one didn't exactly work out xD But there were several other guys who I was "married to" that year, whose names I can't actually remember.
And then I got older - Year one, age six. It was just the done thing to have a boyfriend. I had two - one was called Dylan, and I can't remember the other guy's name, but they were both pretty nice. And then I "fell in love" with this guy called Alex and he was my boyfriend for the rest of the year, and for the whole of Year two. We got married xD
Then he moved and I had a crush on one of the older guys in Year six. I had my heart set on this one older boy, and rejected anybody else who was actually my age. xD He went into secondary school a few months later, so I gave up and started going out with a boy called Charlie. Then a few weeks later we stopped because my other friend liked him and there was going to be a lot of drama.
Then I was dating a boy called Chris, who was nice, and also a grade five DRUMMER. I remember he dedicated a song to me in assembly once. O:
Then he became a little depressed and we broke up. [Although we're actually still friends today.]
In Year 7, I was dating a boy called Tom. His surname was ANGEL. Again with the cool last names. We went out for most of the year but then his parents found out he was dating me [He was trying to keep it a secret or something] and he freaked out so we split up.
In Year 8, which was just last year, I had a boyfriend called Matthew. I don't know how many of you guys remember the topic I made about him when I found out he was cheating. But yeah, he was amazing - until I found out he wasn't. I haven't had a boyfriend since.
But I love my guy friends.
So there you go. And believe it or not - I've never actually been on a date. xD