Childhood BF's/GF's/Crushes


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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2006
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Remember back in, lets say, the third grade when there was this person you thought was really cute and your heart fluttered every time you saw them? Who was your person(s)?

There has been many childhood crushes, but I remember one boy that I liked the most. His name was Derrick and I had a major crush on him. (I don't think he even knew we were on the same planet, much less the same school, lol.) I think he goes to one of the other high schools in my city. I think... :furawatchi:

Oh my... Lol. In Kindergarten, my best friend and I thought this kid named Anthony was super cute. :)

And then in second grade, I liked this kid named Dominic, and I told him. What a crazy kid I was. xD

AND THENNNN, in 5th grade, I had this total obsession with a kid named Adam, and everyone knew. Haha.

One kid carved "-name- <3 tess" in his desk in 3rd grade and got sent to the office for destroying school property.. I felt bad :'\

And I had a friend in preschool who would always dance with me and play barbies 8D

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Oh geez... This is going to be an interesting topic XDD

In Kindergarten, I liked a boy named Bobby. Not to sound mean, but he was very fat and ugly. I had a very confused kindergarten Brain.. XD

In Second grade I liked a kid named Dominic (Omg Same here Nicki XD (Did I spell your name right? If I didn't -is shot- :I)) We have a long history. In 6th grade it was going around that he had a huge crush on me. It went on for a long time. People even joke about him liking me now, so now I have a crush on him xD He is my Spanish partner (this year) and he is Super Nice and Sweet towards me :D

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Ok. So when I was like 6, there was this kid I liked at church. xDD I really liked him and one day he helped me clean up crayons. <33

Then somehow we were all playing and he chased me into the wall by accident and I busted my nose all up and I hated him.


My first real crush that I actually really, really, really liked was Tyler. We were friends. And he kind of liked me too, according to my friend. This same friend told him I liked him and things just got weird. We drifted apart and almost completely stopped talking. ):

And then Lukas. I still think about him. Last year--he kept flirting with me and I flirted back and then he stopped and I was like <33. And then he was flirting with a bunch of other girls. It still kind of hurts to see him, though he isn't in two of my classes this year.

Nick--I've kissed him, at truth or dare. He's like one of my best guy friends and I had an eensy weensy crush on him at the time we kissed last year. It didn't mean anything. So we're still friends. That's why I like him--I like that we can be friends even after we kissed.

My first crush was when I was about 12, a guy called Jeffrey, who I didn't know too well at the time, but after my crush went away, we became best friends. It wasn't a very big crush though, I didn't even want to kiss him much XD.

in preschooli had a crush on a guy named Benton,then i moved to AZ and there was a guy named Harley and he looked just like him XD

then last year in 5th i had huge crushes on 2 guys one was a guy named Martin and then Joey(i still like him) me and Martin were friends last year(mr.c sat me by him a lot)and we would talk, then when he got in trouble he would either whisper or he would pass notes,and this was all after a rumor spread round' that i liked him,it was wierd though(by the way Joey and Martin are bff's)

and now in 6th i have the hugest crushes on Joey and Wyatt,they r hot XD,wyatt is soooooo nice,he holds the door 4 me XD

When I was about seven years young, I would obsess over guys if I even hear one word about them liking me. I'm not gonna name names.. like TamaPATCHI. :) But yeah, I was told several times by stranger kids and even my best friend that some boys in my class liked me, so I'd turn all obsessive and try to get photos of them whilst being super kind and helping them in every possible way. I could just imagine myself and this one other boy walking down the isle when we're a couple of years older, lol.

Haha. I only learned what a crush was in Year 2. o:

My best friends were guys at younger ages. (Like daycare --- 5th xD)

Only liked each other as friends, whatever anyone else would say. xD

Then in 5th grade, I liked this semi-hot guy named Harley(just like tama+boy cra-z) xD

And then in 6th and 7th and some of 8th grade, I had phases of liking this guy in my class.

And now I likes celebs. Aha. xD *pokes avatar*

O: That reminds me.

I kindof liked Frankie Muniz in...3rd grade?? xDD

Lol. He sucks nao. But he was pretty cute in Agent Cody Banks!! <3 lol

(Which was why I liked him)

Plus, there was this magazine that I saw in 3rd grade aswell, and...

Aaron Carter. Aged 12. <3

Do I like 'em two anymore?? NONONONONO. They sucks nao. xDD

^ ZOMGG. Harley. Harley. Harleeyyyy... -dreamyface-

I met this guy, Harley, at a camp. Sooooo good looking. x]

I have his MSN.

I've had rather a few crushes. xD

I can't remember all of them, only this one that was probably the best crush of my life so far, even though I didn't end up going out with him. <3

In Year 5, I was really super obsessed with this one guy. And then a month later or so, my best friend "liked" him too. But anyway. I liked him into Year 6, when this kid asked me out and I said no because he'd dumped his GF (who was one of my best friends) that same day, and I didn't like him so yeah. Then the next day he was all "-inserthisnmehere<3- likes Kendal."


And I continued kind of liking him until the end of Year 7. Just a little part of me got butterflies when I saw him. Only a teeny bit though. ;]

But he was so nice and funny and nice and funny and.... :']

He would always talk to me.~

Gosh, teary-eyed over this post! [Jokeee. ;P]

Long story.

I was always a little flirt xD

I remember in Playgroup/Nursery [English version of Kindergarten] I had a boyfriend who was this cute chubby little guy called Darcey Rainbow. Purely because of his surname. It was incredibly epic, actually. I wanted to be Esther Rainbow! That one didn't exactly work out xD But there were several other guys who I was "married to" that year, whose names I can't actually remember.

And then I got older - Year one, age six. It was just the done thing to have a boyfriend. I had two - one was called Dylan, and I can't remember the other guy's name, but they were both pretty nice. And then I "fell in love" with this guy called Alex and he was my boyfriend for the rest of the year, and for the whole of Year two. We got married xD

Then he moved and I had a crush on one of the older guys in Year six. I had my heart set on this one older boy, and rejected anybody else who was actually my age. xD He went into secondary school a few months later, so I gave up and started going out with a boy called Charlie. Then a few weeks later we stopped because my other friend liked him and there was going to be a lot of drama.

Then I was dating a boy called Chris, who was nice, and also a grade five DRUMMER. I remember he dedicated a song to me in assembly once. O:

Then he became a little depressed and we broke up. [Although we're actually still friends today.]

In Year 7, I was dating a boy called Tom. His surname was ANGEL. Again with the cool last names. We went out for most of the year but then his parents found out he was dating me [He was trying to keep it a secret or something] and he freaked out so we split up.

In Year 8, which was just last year, I had a boyfriend called Matthew. I don't know how many of you guys remember the topic I made about him when I found out he was cheating. But yeah, he was amazing - until I found out he wasn't. I haven't had a boyfriend since.

But I love my guy friends. :)

So there you go. And believe it or not - I've never actually been on a date. xD

The first boy I 'liked' was in kindergarten, his name was Anthony. xD He was cute and we played a game called 'The Game' at lunch. NO. NOT THE INTERNET MEME THING.

Then in fifth grade I liked this kid named Emerson. He was cute and really sweet. <3 But he liked a girl named Alyssa.

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This is off topic, but Katie (and yes you did spell my name right :D ) liked a Dominic and second grade like me and shs415 like an Anthony in Kindergarten like me! xD

My first crush was grade 6. His name was Alex and I thought he was cute :) Now I realise how little I knew about him.

My 2nd crush lasted two years. His name is Luke... He is in my English, Maths & Science classes.

Third, and recently recovering from it, is a guy who was new to our school this year who moved here from South Australia. He has such a unique name - Zhayd. I'm starting to realise how much of an a-hole he is, and trying to get over it... Frankly, I'm not succeeding.

Right now, I also like a guy called Darcy :) He's the most awesome person ever.

Well right now i have this HUGE crush on a guy at our school. I've liked him since the begining of school last year and this saturdy i might finally tell him how i feel. The problem is i dont know if he likes me back. Last year a rumor went around (well through all the girls anyways) that he liked me because he was always talking to me and asking me questions about homework......I told everyone that i thought he just liked me as a friend but now im not so sure. *sigh*

AARON. All through primary he was in my class. He was so cute. All the girls had a crush on him but he was my friend and he used to give me piggy back rides. Now he's still cute as but I'm taller than him and it's weird. I swear he stopped growing when he was 11.

I also remember, in kindy I was a outgoing kindergarten whore. I used to kiss the boys cheeks under the tree and think I was reb as. I was also the kindy pervert. Good times.

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