Celebrity Familitchi logout codes for 1000GP


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Thank you binary! Now my tama will be rich. The Mousetchi, Tamastatchi and Princess Tamako work.

The Mousetchi, Tamastatchi and Princess Tamako work.
really? on my australian 5.5 mousetchi didn't work. i tried the code several times and it still didn't work. and yes mousetchi is the main character, it's in the middle and the first character to come up on the character screen.

Plz help. :furawatchi: :D

really? on my australian 5.5 mousetchi didn't work. i tried the code several times and it still didn't work. and yes mousetchi is the main character, it's in the middle and the first character to come up on the character screen. Plz help. :huh: :huh:
You're entering the password as a Logout Password, right?

If it still doesn't work, send me a PM with a Login Password from your Tamagotchi, and I'll reply with the correct Logout Password to use.

:blink: :ph34r: :wub: :D i have used this code so many times that my tama has 15250gp!!!i so love this code. all the codes work!!! :lol: :wacko: :D :blink: :wub: :lol: :wacko: :hitodetchi: :D :) :wacko:
...the top of the numbers was cut off and when I entered what I thought the numbers looked like I only got 30 Gotchi points...

...the top of the numbers was cut off and when I entered what I thought the numbers looked like I only got 30 Gotchi points...
To see the numbers properly, zoom the chart to 100%.

*Note from binary: These codes work only on the V5 Celebrity and V5.5

These codes do not work on the regular V5

An easy way to determine whether you have a regular V5 or a V5 Celebrity or V5.5 is to check which games are on it.

The built-in games on the regular V5 are:

TV Surfing

Tea Time

Golf Putt (available from second generation)

Shoe Pairs (available from second generation)

The built-in games on the V5 Celebrity & V5.5 are:

Tama Fans

Pool Play


Safe Box

Cue Ball (available from second generation)

Jewels (available from second generation)


Note: Some characters are listed twice, because some can be male or female. In this case, if one password doesn't work, try the other.

Click here to see the chart.

Step 1. Determine the name of your main character (the one in the center of your screen, or listed first in the status screens.)

Step 2. Activate the connect icon (upper right corner of your Tamagotchi screen) and select the PC menu entry.

Step 3. When the login password appears, press the B (middle) button. The logout password prompt will appear.

Step 4. Enter password corresponding to the character type from the link above. (Note: there are two entries for some characters, because some characters can be either male of female. If one doesn't work, try the other.)

Step 5. Watch as your V5 Celebrity collects a 1000 GP prize.
The link is broken in this distant future of 2024... Can anyone provide the chart for these codes now?
The link is broken in this distant future of 2024... Can anyone provide the chart for these codes now?
I tried digging around but it seems the image was tied to the old gallery (If I understand correctly) so its gone unless another user took a screenshot or downloaded the original png. On another note there was this short link to points I want to say in some other posts "Another V5 Cheat Thread" that you can check out. I'm unsure if Binary is still active but maybe you can ask in the help thread and see if anyone has the old image or a sheet.
I tried digging around but it seems the image was tied to the old gallery (If I understand correctly) so its gone unless another user took a screenshot or downloaded the original png. On another note there was this short link to points I want to say in some other posts "Another V5 Cheat Thread" that you can check out. I'm unsure if Binary is still active but maybe you can ask in the help thread and see if anyone has the old image or a sheet.
The link is broken in this distant future of 2024... Can anyone provide the chart for
The link is broken in this distant future of 2024... Can anyone provide the chart for these codes now?
https://tamagotchicenter.com/connection/v5 Try this website I just rediscovered my own v5.5 and this is the only working anything besides growth charts I can find

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