Celeb Chibi Family


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Active member
Jul 29, 2008
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Hiya, I know I have another log and I stopped it because I had lost my v5 but my v5 refresh came in the mail yesterday and I am so happy. I'll start off when I first found the box.

Yesterday me and my friend Adrian were coming home from the mall and I decided to go check if my tamagotchi was there. I went up to the door and was about to pull my key out when it was laying infront of my feet I did a happy dance and ran to my friends house (even though I shouldn't have since I have bad lungs). She opened the door and gave me a knife to get the cardboard box open which was the easy part. Once that was out of the way I had to open the plastic without my special scissors (extra sharp). So I used baby scissors and a knife and I got my tama open I pulled out the tab and awaited it to hatch. First was a girl which was a mimifuwatchi, then an omututchi (i think), and the boy which I forgot which baby was. I figured out tamafans (my favorite game) and played for a while happy to find you get lots of points easily.

Then they changed into toddlers the first born which I named Petunia is now a sakuramotchi, the boy is a mattartchi which I named Alex, and the baby I named Tulip is a belltchi. I was happy with my characters I think they are so cute and happy I didn't get a torortchi. That was my least favorite on the v5 and I don't like it now either.


Adrian has cheerleading today so I had to go home early, my tamas were awake before I was so I fed them croissants and bagels (I bought it yesterday). I came home and opened the rest of the mangled tamagothi box and got out the instructions did the special code and got a tulip. Then I figured out how to play the rest of the games and I felt really stupid that I couldn't figure them out myself. x( but I got over it and played safe box which I didn't like that much now my kids want to talk.

Petunia: Hi everyone I am the oldest and I just wanted to say Hi.

Alex: Yea me to

Tulip: I'm hungry

Yea thats all they have to say, oh and before I forget here are there stats.

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Bonds: 0%

Family: Active (anyone know what this means?)

Gotchi Points: 1450

So not to break the rules, pm me and I'll post it here as fanmail and I'll be happy =]


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Wow 21 views thats really good.

August 12th

I went to work with my mom she works at home depot also I burned myself on a frying pan yesterday making grilled cheese and made alot of money. My mom works back in the recieving dock so there is a computer. I figured out how to use tamatown and visited like 5 times since it was the only thing I could do. I bought an opera house from Australia and plaid the carnival games and jobs. It was really fun, then when we got to her other job there was no computer.

So I did the bond cheat where you change the time so I got there bonds really high for toddlers which change today. Today I woke up at 9:30am did the bond then fell back asleep then woke up at 10. I played safe box and tama fans turns out I'm really good at safe box I won 3 times yesterday. So I bought them a cruise ship and a game boy. Now they want to talk.

Petunia: Hi guys, thanks to those who have been reading our mom has been extra good to us.

Alex: Of course she has, dummy.

Me: Hey thats not nice Alex go to your room.

Tulip: Hi everyone I am the baby and Alex is the middle so he is the meanest.

Yea thats it lets do a stat check.

Hungry: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Happy: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Bonds: 60%

Family: Active

759 Gotchi Points


Remember pm me if your enjoying the log.

Yesterday at 7pm my tamagotchis changed! They are extremely adorable Petunia is an ichigotchi. Alex is kikitchi he is also being nicer now since he got a good character. Tulip is now a shelltchi I'm glad I got good characters which is probably because I have high bonding. Now they want to talk.

Petunia: *yawn* Good morning everyone it is currently 8:37am thanks to everyone who has been reading.

Alex: Good morning I am trying to be nicer so I can be the one who gets married. Right mom?

Tulip: Heyyyy good morning everyone I hope everyone has a nice day.

I'm happy my tamas are actually being nice to eachother time for a stat check.

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 80% (woo-hoo!)

Family: Blended

2650 gotchi points

I'll update when I can remember pm me if you enjoy♥


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Yay 25 views!

OMG guess what the last time I updated I had had my teens for about 2 days then today I went to go get it from my moms room. Then they were adults I was so happy I practically screamed luckily my mom is at Target so nobody heard me but I got such cute characters. Also while they were teens they were the active family now they are the blended family. Anyways Petunia is dadadada! Princess Tamako, Alex looks like a giant tooth kinbatchi, and Tulip is adorable she is a megamitchi I think I will marry her or Petunia off. Now they want to talk.

Petunia: I am the princess! I am so happy but I am not going to be a shallow princess.

Alex: Uhhh I don't look that great I'm not going to be married I don't want to be.

Tulip: I look like the statue of liberty! I am so pretty

I'm glad they all like what they are, except Alex I think he looks great now time for a stat check.


Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 100%

Family: Blended

2750 Gotchi Points

I'll update tomorrow just incase something happens. Thanks to anyone who has been reading ♥

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