They had a plain 'n' normal day. Then, they walked home, and Casey said, "See you later, Alyssa." And then they took their ways home. Casey could not wait until tonight. She was going to be Ino from Naruto, and Alyssa Sakura from Naruto. They were going to be a pairing. They were actually going to a party- with other boys. Casey's crush, Willy the
, was going to be Sasuke. Only one problem about that: Alyssa also liked Willy a lot. But, then, she thought how FUN it was going to be. They were going to play DDR, go trick of treating, have contests, play videogames- it was a sleepover for all the girls coming- the boys leave at 10:00 at night. the girl who was holding the party was named Lina, she was nice, and would never try to make fights. There were many pillows and blankets in the house, and Lina had 4 rooms to her self- the Arcade(where she would play games, by herself, with her siblings and her friends, Of course) the personal room, which Casey had NEVER seen before, and Lina always locked the door, and Casey bet she had her precious things in there. She didn't want to go in there, anyway, since a strange oldish antique smell wafted from the room. The Rec. room, a rom where comfy sofas and tables and bowls of candy were with a TV to go with it, and also a closet full of board games. And of course- Super power bed room. It was a room that was COMPLETLEY a mattress floor. It was such a plushy mattress- and the wall was covered in pretty posters, and was also a mattress. She loved it in there. She sighed, and could not wait. Lina's father was very nice- and genorous. He would play outdoor tag with them. Her mom was very nice and gentle, and did not mind Casey's mom's dumbness.
Chapter 2
She walked down the stairs, and headed to the dinner table.
Casey's dumb mom said "Hi Honey Lik, tongiths ya party right?"
Casey: Yes.
Casey's mom: KK Here's dinner.
Casey ate her spaghetti quietly.