Carla's v5 Tama Log!


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New member
Jul 1, 2010
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Okay well This is my first tama log here x) I hope you all enjoy!

I just started up my v5 log on the first of July after not having used it for about a year or so. I used my last name for the family name, I know lame right? But I have no creativity so I couldn't really think of a cool name for mine. I have the pink love my family v5 tamagotchi.


When they were born I was given a

Girl Mimifuwatchi

Boy Omututchi

and a Girl Futabatchi ~


I'll give them names! :angry:

Girl Mimifuwatchi - Seori

Boy Omututchi - Joon

Girl Futabatchi - Haeri

So now to explain what has been happening to my cute little family the past couple of days! Once they were born I potty trained them and trained them every time they called and got up to 10% of bonding. :D

Then an hour after they were born they evolved! :D




Then I took care of them the next few days and took them everywhere I went. I took them shopping with me yesterday. xD It was quite fun! But then again shopping is always fun! And then the second day I was able to get them to 20% bonding. Then the third day after the first call I got them to 30%! I was so happy! :D

Then today i was able to get them to 40% bonding! I was thrilled because I am aiming for the Violetchi for Seori.

Also today Just a couple minutes ago they evolved into teenagers! They all look so cute! And who knew?! Seori & Joon are twinsssss ~ Here are their evolutions:




I'm quite happy ~ But I have to keep their bonding under 70% until they evolve into adults so I can get the Violetchi. This time around I'm going to attempt to get the Violet family. Well that's all for now! I shall post their stats for the end. Thank you for reading my log! Please keep coming back and reading it<3


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds Per: 40

Gen: 1

Gold: 280
