Can the ID-L and ID-L 15th Anniversary Mate?


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
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Im Just wondering if the Tamagotchi ID L and ID L 15 Anni can mate, Im going to buy one soon and would like to know if they can mate. Would you also wait for the ID L Princess Spacy version or just get the ID L 15 Anni?


No. With Japanese Tamas, only inter-versions can mate, and (I'm assuming) that the 15th Aniversary counts as a whole different version.

I'd wait for the PS, and then if you decide you don't want it you can buy the 15th for a cheaper price.

Have you tested this so I know 100% that they can :)

-Edited: Spelling error-

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A while ago, I got to the option they could marry. (Atleast with my guessing...I think that is what it was) I connected the two tamagotchi Tons. So I figured that was the option but I canceled since it was early in my 15th Anni version. Long and short of it... Fairly certain.

I'm thinking that they both can marry down to the original colors. (This for sure I cannot confirm since I don't have any other colors but these two)

They can. I read it on a Tamagotchi site. Besides, iD L and iD L 15th Anniversary are almost the same; they just have a few different characters.

Yes. They can mate. I've done this with both versions, and I'm assuming that it might work on the Princess Spacy ver. too, in case.

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