I just got this tama and its supposed to be white, its in good condition but its just very dirty and i dont know how to clean it in like the cracks without destroying it. Heres the pictures:
Looks like q-tips /cotton buds are useful - dampened with a very small amount of water and/or a very small amount of liquid soap detergent or rubbing alcohol.
Always make sure the cloth or q-tip is just damp, not wet or dripping - that's too much - and have a micro fibre cloth or towel to wipe the tama down straight away afterwards so that no dampness remains on the tama.
The key to these things is also to have everything you'll need laid out to hand so you don't have to go off hunting for something and leave the tama wet!
And patience. Don't rush it and take it slowly and carefully. You might need to clean and dry it several times before all the little bits of dirt are removed to your satisfaction
Hola the dirt under the faceplate is really annoying yup. I clean mine using the computer cleaner. Like the thing you squeeze to gently blow the lechetita dusts away. But instead of making it blow you have to make the thing suck the dusts away because the dust will just be trapped inside the p's. I'm not sure if it's a computer cleaner or a watch cleaner but it's just some thing that you squeeze. I hope this helps and have fun with ze p's
I'd be tempted to use a blunt tooth pick covered in some tissue paper to clean the sides of the tama, it should effectively 'scrape' the dirt out and will look good as new (I would suggest wearing some gloves so you don't get germs on you) I agree with the above comments, a slightly damp q-tip will clean the rest right up I love the tama ps in white, great find <3