Bridge on 2017 Re-release Motherboard?


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Dec 15, 2024
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North America
Hey folks.
I was taking apart a 2017 re-release tamagotchi (sorry, I don’t know the “official” name, if there is one).
When doing so, I noticed that there seemed to be a bridge between some of the legs on the positive battery terminal.
I haven’t noticed any issues during the device’s use, so I could just be looking at nothing abnormal.
Thoughts? I’ve attached an image below, maybe let me know if this is a problem. Thanks!IMG_9578.jpeg
(By the way, I was messing with the battery, and somehow jumbled the data enough to make a 99 oz, instantly ill baby.)
thats the negative terminal isnt it? on the reverse side both sides of that bridge connect to the same bit of metal so even if were a defect it wouldnt do anything to the circuit. my guess is its to help hold the contact into the pcb
cool fat baby glitch lol
thats the negative terminal isnt it? on the reverse side both sides of that bridge connect to the same bit of metal so even if were a defect it wouldnt do anything to the circuit. my guess is its to help hold the contact into the pcb
cool fat baby glitch lol
I might’ve misremembered when writing the post, my bad.
I have to assume that it’s connected anyways. Likely would’ve stumbled upon an issue if it was a problem already, considering it’s the power supply. It does look like it was hand soldered, so I’m not sure if it was intentional.

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