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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2007
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Somewhere your not XD
Miley has done it again. she has her 4th cd coming out called Breakout. Its due to come out on June 22nd. Just thought i would tell you! thanks miley for coming out with a new cd and new music

[SIZE=14pt]NOOOOO!!!!! [/SIZE]


No more of this harassment. *climbs into a cardboard box*


I'm coming out when Miley leaves Tama Talk.

Exactly. If you don't like Miley, then don't come here miley-haters. >.>

Wow. What a great birthday gift. D: Its coming out on the month my birthday is in. *tear*

Oh yea, we have the right to post where ever we want. >_>

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You guys are disappointing an already fed up guide. :)

Stop coming into these types of topics hating and whining about the subject! Just stop! If you don't like her fine. We don't give a care if you hate her or think she sucks. Don't even reply.

You guys are disappointing an already fed up guide.  :chohimetchi:
Stop coming into these types of topics hating and whining about the subject! Just stop! If you don't like her fine. We don't give a care if you hate her or think she sucks. Don't even reply.
Please delete some of these STUPID Miley Cyrus topics. All she is is an actress. I agree with tama/wpants. Stop replying to these sort of topics! :ichigotchi:

Ronaldo! :pochitchi:

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No. No no no no no NO NO NO NO NO!
If there are going to be like millions of Miley Cyrus topics, why not make one big one Like this one. what's wrong with that, instead of making all these pointless topic about Miley Cyrus :D . All she is is just another famous person that acts Hannah Montana. What's soo big about her and the stuff she does? She's only 15 years old! :) Give her another couple of years and she SHOULD be normal again. She's an attention seeker! ;)

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I don't really like Miley.

Dongratulations to her fans on having the CD come out, I hope you all enjoy it.

I might not a fan, but I am not here to be all 'ZOMFG MILYE EEEWWWW' because there are people that do actually like her.

-Glomps Jamie-

So if you are going to be like that, why do you bother to read these? They even say 'Miley Fans Only', though I do know we can post wherever you want.

For gods sake, show some respect x.x

Fourth? lolwut? I know theres her first and her second, but third? Where? xD I don't listen to her, but I have her albums anyways from my short Disney craze...

I don't really like Miley.Dongratulations to her fans on having the CD come out, I hope you all enjoy it.

I might not a fan, but I am not here to be all 'ZOMFG MILYE EEEWWWW' because there are people that do actually like her.

-Glomps Jamie-

So if you are going to be like that, why do you bother to read these? They even say 'Miley Fans Only', though I do know we can post wherever you want.

For gods sake, show some respect x.x
Thanks Rebecca. :)

-Glomps Becca-


I wonder what new songs are going to be on her CD this time...

Thanks Rebecca. ;) -Glomps Becca-


I wonder what new songs are going to be on her CD this time...
Her first and second CD's were good, but I listened to some of her new songs like Full Circle and they suck.

I'm sorry but if she sings those live, people would be throwing stones at her. I really do like her too, but I can't help but be honest about it.

Her first and second CD's were good, but I listened to some of her new songs like Full Circle and they suck.
I'm sorry but if she sings those live, people would be throwing stones at her. I really do like her too, but I can't help but be honest about it.
In my opinion, Miley can't sing. >.< She sounds good just because they edited her voice, but even with the editing she still doesn't sound too good. Now I'm not crazy wanting to go to her concert anymore either. She's got an AWFUL voice! -_- I like her too, but I have to be honest about that. :p

I like her because she's a good actress. :D But she's a horrible singer. >.<

EDIT: Full Circle? Maybe I'll youtube it...

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