Bratztroxg's V4.5 Log!


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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2006
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USA, baby, USA. <3
Hi there! :D This is not my first Tamagotchi log - I have my V5 log HERE, but I have just recently bought a V4.5 and decided to make a log about it! I’ve started it whilst my Tama is a child, so you won’t get to know her as well as you would have done, but I’ll tell you as much about Berry as I can!


Name: Berry

Gender: Girl

Gen: 1

Training: llll

Funny: 32

Gorgeous: 40

Spiritual: 33

Age: 2

Weight: 55 lb

Gotchi Points: 3360p

Username: Berry

Berry definitely needs to lose some weight! I’m unsure of her current character, because I cannot find a V4.5 character chart that Windows Parental Controls doesn’t block! But I know that she started off as an adorable girl Babitchi! She was very demanding in that stage, so I stayed by her for an hour until she turned into a Kuribotchi ( :blink: ) and went to sleep.

I was unhappy with her looking like a little brown onion but she soon evolved into a…cute thing with wings?! When I press C she has little butterfly wings, and her ears are like little buns! She has rosy cheeks and eyelashes that flick up at the ends! Whatever she is, she is very cute! ^ _ ^

Today, Berry was visited by the King and given 200 GP!!! She was so happy! It definitely cheered her up after she was ROBBED yesterday! The burglar came and stole 800 GP right in front of my eyes! -_-

Another thing that happened today was that I potty-trained Berry! ^_^ To do this, you have to catch them just before they poop! Little ‘stink waves’ rise up at the side of them for about 5 seconds, and if you’re quick enough to click the Flush icon, they sit on the toilet to do their business!

Hey guys! This post was written on the same day as my last one, but this is an update to say how pleased I am - the Gotchi King has visited Berry 3 times today! And we haven't even donated any money to him!! I'm a bit stingy about that whole donating thing (even though Berry now has 12010GP (we've been playing Shapes all afternoon! I've finally mastered the art of winning it, and you get 500GP every time you win!) But maybe we will donate soon.

The second thing I wanted to say is that if any of you guys want to check out my V5 log, click HERE!

And since this log IS all about Berry, she'll make frequent comments in orange. Just to let you guys know! Berry, is there anything you'd like to say now?

Yes! I finally get my own colour code so I can speak to everyone! Bratztroxg and I also have a log that we would recommend to everyone! And that is Timagotchi's log! You can check it out here! I really like the sound of Meggy!

Yep, if you're reading this, Timagotchi, Berry and I say your log rocks! Ok, back to Berry's world! I got her up to 5 training bars, and reduced her weight to 11lb! It went down by over 40lb!

That's what comes from exercise!

Aww, I'm so proud of you, Berry! :p

EDIT: I forgot to mention how much the King gave me! When he first visited, he gave me 200GP, on his second visit he gave me 1000GP and on his third visit he gave me a fishing rod!

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Yay! :D Great news!!! Berry evolved! She is now an adult Memetchi ( ^_^ ) with WINGS! She is very cute, and if anyone can identify her character by that kind of hazy description, please PM me!

Anyway, I am very pleased with Berry, because she currently has 7 training bars (only 2 more to go!), 55 funny points, 136 gorgeous points and 61 spiritual points, and 13900GP!

That's right! I'm officially rich! I can't see myself spending much, because I'm perfectly happy as I am! I'll probably leave most of my money to my child. I already have lots of items! Bratztroxg let me write with my new pen today, and I decided to draw a picture of a diamond ring! I was really proud of it! But there's only one thing I want now...

What's that, Berry?

An interview! That would be so cool, and all my readers could find out loads about me!

That's a really neat idea, Berry! I've seen some other TT members use interviews, so we'll probably open up your own show and you can have your interview as soon as we've finished writing this post!

[SIZE=14pt]YAY!!!!!! Thanks, Esther! Oops - was I allowed to say your name?[/SIZE]

Yes, of course! You can all call me by my name now. ;) Okay, come on, Berry, let's get you ready for your big interview!

A big thanks to jaamartin for providing me with a V4.5 character chart! ;) You can check out his V5.5 log at ^_^ (Sorry, my link thing isn't working! You'll have to copy and paste the address!)

I have found out three things:

~ Berry is not an adult - she is a teenager!

~ As a child, she was a Ura Yangu Furawatchi

~ She is now a Ura Yangu Memetchi (I knew she was something to do with a Memetchi!!)

Thank you jaamartin!

EDIT: The link thing is working now! :D

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