Bratztroxg's Gawjus V5 Familitchi Log!


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Jun 10, 2006
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USA, baby, USA. <3
I got my Familitchi for £13 a couple of days ago; and I couldn't wait to start them! :unsure: I got 2 girls and 1 boy (woop woop!) and chose their surname to be 'Mini!' so anyway, i know you can't name them individually but I imagine that you can so the boy's called Pip and the two girlz are Mango and Bibi!!! Adorable, init?! :wacko:

They are kids at the moment but they were sooooooooo cute as babies! They're asleep rite now and its adorable - but i can't tell what species they are 'cos their light is out. better not disturb them - i'll check and tell ya 2morrow, kk??!!

So today I took them to school and every break I checked on them & I went and got them tons of free stuff by using the codes here on TT (thx binary lol!!!) they got karaoke 'n everything!They did 3 poops in all today, which I cleaned up. And the most their hearts went down is 2, but they stayed happy all day!!! :ph34r: (They just got a lil bit hungry at times lol!) They remind me so much of myself, tee hee!

Luv ya & more later,



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Thanks v. much for posting on my log, FamiTama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D

Anyway, my tamas are asleep again but they evolved from toddlers to teens today!!! They are so adorable!

Mango (my fave tama!) is an ICHIGOTCHI!!!!! woop woop! i luv them cos they're like a cross between strawberries and christmas trees lol! ;) i luv them - they're so cute!

And they only pooped about twice today! :)

I didn't play any games with them today....(i was at school!) :(

but i still checked on them as much as i could at breaks and stuff!!!!!!


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Yay!! My tamas have evolved!! They are now adults! I'm going to tell you all about them now - because I forgot before!!!! :angry:

Lovezukintchi (girl) - Mango She's a major drama queen! :angry:

Hatugatchi (boy) - Pip Cute & very optimistic! :(

Potetchi (girl) - Bibi Very smart, clever & a bit goody-goody! :(

Mango was looking through the fridge this morning! And just a minute ago they were all singing (little speech bubbles with musical notes in!) It was adorable! I tried to get a video on my phone but it came out too bad quality to show. ;)

o well!! :( :(

I'll let my tamas tell the rest of the story...(mango is orange, pip is blue and bibi is pink)

Wow this is soooooo cool! We are officially adults now! :(

Ah, it seems like only yesterday we were young teenagers having fun!

Mango, it WAS only yesterday!

*all laugh*

;) I just played the tea time game with Mango!! She's so cute when she was pouring the tea! She has big eyes and big lips and she's wearing a little hood thing!!! But i adore Pip and Bibi just as much, there's no favoritism!!!! Anyway, i managed to fill 8 cups of tea and got 10 gotchi points, but if you think about it that's not that much compared to how overpriced shop items are!!!


Yay!! :( I've been called cute!!

That's great, mango!! You are cute! :(

But she said we're all her favourites!! :(

it's lovely to see them getting on so well together! aww!

My tamas just became hungry by one heart so I fed them some spag bol and they did a little dance under a sun!!!

I was practising for when I become famous! :(

Mango, you are trapped inside a small tama shell. It is unlikely you will ever achieve your dreams of fame.

Hmmph! ;)

Be happy, guys! We just ate some yummy food! :( :(

Hello everyone! :unsure:

It's 9pm and my tamas are getting ready to go to bed. ;)

It's been a few days and already they're developing their own little habits!

Especially Mango!!! She has a strange routine of talking to the fridge whilst it opens and shuts every hour!! She's always in the centre of attention, so she's the one who I play all the games with - and don't tell Pip and Bibi, but she's the one I'm going to marry up with another tama!

Wow, this has been such a great day! I've eaten so much!

Definitely! :ph34r: Our hungry hearts went down a lot today!

Well, that's probably because we only just evolved yesterday and we're still getting used to ourselves being adults! ;)

Yeah, probably! I'm THRILLED with how I turned out - I think I look amazing!

Yes, Mango, you look very nice!! :D

Alright, alright! We get it! Mango's the prettiest! But not if she doesn't get her beauty sleep...

Ooh!! You're right, Bibi! I just remembered! It's 9 o'clock! Lights out everyone!


*light switches off*

They're adorable when they sleep! :D

More later!


OMIGOSH! Wow, I can’t believe what just happened!!! I’ll start from the beginning…

It was a normal day for me, Bibi, Mango and Pip. I was feeding them mushrooms and gingerbread houses, and playing the Tea Time game with Mango, when I decided to check up on the Dating Show again, and see if the matchmaker would let me in this time. To my surprise – she did!!!! So, I decided to marry up Mango. From behind a curtain, the man Mango was matched up with was like an adorable big sun! I selected ‘marry’ because he was just sooo cute! Then there were all these fireworks and they got married and they were crying & kissing and then an egg with hearts on appeared on the screen, and my adorable sun-character and Lovezukintchi grew up and changed to a Mamametchi and a Planetchi, and within a minute my egg had hatched into an adorable girl Iwatchi!!!

I’m happy and thrilled to have reached my second generation, but I can’t help missing Bibi and Pip. It was all so quick. I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye…

Oh wow!! I’ve cheered up quite a bit now, and I’m starting to see all the upsides to being on generation 2. ^_^ I’ve got an adorable Iwatchi – and she’s a girl, just like I wanted! I’m on my second generation, and I also have access now to the shoe and golfing games! I’ve tried the shoe game, but have yet to play the golfing game with father!! ^_^

I nearly forgot – it’s Stats time!! :D

Father: Planetchi (Chips)

Mother: Mamametchi (Mango)

Daughter: Iwatchi (Berry)

At first I was worried because Berry’s the only tama on screen, but I love the way Chips and Mango take an active part in bringing her up! Whenever I give her a meal, snack, medicine, or play a game with her, Chips and Mango come on to give her medicine, feed her, play with her, etc! It’s absolutely adorable to watch! ^_^

More later – it should be Berry’s bedtime soon!


Turns out raising a daughter like Berry is harder than I thought! She needs constant attention! She reminds me of her mother, always needing to be the centre of attention and a bit of a drama queen! :D


Berry just changed into an adorable Hoshitchi! Aww!! For those of u who don't know what they are, it's like a little black star that smiles a lot!!! Berry DEFINITELY takes after Mango, because not only is she a Superstar, she's now actually star shaped!! :)


Wow!! :) You'll never guess what Berry's doing right now! Having her first bath!!! I'm so proud of her!! She's sitting in a little steaming bath with a face and smiling, and then a showerhead floats above her and washes her whilst she looks a bit bewildered. I think she prefers bathing to showering, but it's the most adorable thing ever!! :)

Yay!! ^_^ Berry evolved!!! She is now a beautiful Mikazukitchi. For those of you who have never had a Mikazukitchi, they are adorable little Tamas with a head kind of shaped like an oval with a little bite out of it. Well...that wasn't a very good description, but you can always look them up on a Growth Chart!!! :D

Another adorable habit I have noticed:

Mango & Chips just love to eat bananas! Every now and then, when I look at the screen, I see them eating bananas out of a big banana plant! :furawatchi: I think this is really cute, and very nutritious! lol! :D

Oh, Berry just called for training, so I gave her some darts to play with. ^_^ I don't know how that will enhance her personality, but oh well! :pochitchi:

Oh no!!!! ^_^ Mango and Chips were all such lovely characters...until a couple of days ago. I'd been off to school each morning, just leaving my Tamagotchis in my bag with their sound switched off, and because V5s don't die after being left for large periods of time, I thought it was perfectly fine to come back home and check on them, make sure they were hungry & happy, etc.

But no! Berry, Mango & Chips seemed fine with it, but the process of nature disagreed. I'm now an official owner of the Petite Family. Some could call them cute, but they are the produce of neglective care, and I shall try to be a lot better at Tama-raising from now on. Perhaps it was their 0% bonding that gave them one of the famous 'bad' families? I never quite understood the Bonding methods.

Still, by the time I marry Berry, I shall do my best to keep that family happy and healthy, with high bonding levels. My ambition is to have the Cheerful Family!! :D

And it's only a matter of time until I can give Berry a partner..

I have bad news. Reeeeeeeeeeally bad news. But first, let's hear the good news! ;)

Berry did get married, to a lovely man named Smiley, and together they had a girl and a boy, named Sunny (boy) and Cherry (girl) They lived for a few days, but gradually my care for them slipped and slipped. School & my social life got in the way. I returned to them today and didn't find them greeting me. There was a space ship on screen. I was a bad Tama carer and now...

My Tamas have left me.

Okay - I'm back! I've been putting off resetting my Tamagotchi for a little while now, because of school and such. But this evening I finally found the time to start up a whole new generation of Tamas! My little family are now called the 'Berry' family, in honour of Berry. She was so excited about raising a family of her own, and I ruined that chance for her. I want to remember her, and losing the Mini family has given me more of a drive to make sure that I keep the Berry family happy and healthy, and never lose them.

I hatched 3 eggs at around 5pm today, and the first to hatch were my 2 little boys, and then my precious and only girl! I decided to call the boys Lemon and Melon, and the girl is now named Apple.

Apple is a Mimifuwatchi (who'll write in pink)

Lemon is a Futabatchi (who'll write in orange)

Melon is a Omututchi (who'll write in red)


Apple is cute, playful and very girly! She manages to be sweet and polite at all times - even with two annoying older brothers! (They're older by about 10 seconds!)

Lemon is loud and playful - so people can find him annoying, but he is only trying to have fun! He is very loyal, trusting and a great friend to any Tama!

Melon is quite rebellious around others, and a bit of an attention-seeker, but when he's caught on his own and you glimpse his smile, he does have a sweet attitude! ^ _ ^

At this stage, they are still newborns and quite needy. They did 1 poop (which I willingly cleared up for them), got ill (cured easily enough with some medicine and a spoonful of sugar to help it go down!) and at 5.20pm they had a little nap for five minutes. So far, they haven't been too bad, but their hearts are going down a lot! More on the Berry family later!

Yay! :D My babies have evolved! ^ _ ^

Apple = Sakuramotchi

Lemon = Ahirukutchi

Melon = Mattaritchi

Wow, it does feel great to be a child! I'm really pleased with my new look! I feel very proud of my hair - a leaf with a flower decoration! I'm hoping that my childhood years will bring me many happy times! ^ _ ^

YAY!!!! I AM A AHIRIKUTCHI! I HAVE THIS SUDDEN ENERGY RUSH! I AM A CHILD!!! WOOP WOOP! Sorry, I'm just so HAPPY!!!!!!!!! :D My propellor is really big and I can spin it lots and my mouth is really big now so I can SHOUT!!!

I dunno 'bout this. My mouth is like a bat. I mean - wot the heck? And anyway, Apple, you're being sickening. And will ya just SHUT UP for once, Lemon???

Well - now you've had a chance to meet them! Stay tuned!
